EBS: What Are the Differences Between the Rebroadcast and Send Follow up Actions for Notifications in Everbridge Suite?


What are the differences between the Rebroadcast and Send Follow-up actions for Notifications in Everbridge Suite?


The Rebroadcast action will resend the desired Notification to only the contacts with a confirmation status of Not Confirmed at the time the rebroadcast is initiated.

The Send Follow-up action allows for a new Notification to be created and sent to any desired contacts. The follow-up Notification will display the original Notification information, which can be edited in part or entirely. When sending a follow-up Notification, contacts can be selected based on their confirmation status, but will also have the option to add or remove additional contacts.

Rebroadcasts or Follow-up Notifications can be sent from two places :

  1. The Active/History page.
  2. The Notification Details page. 

Sending from the Active/History Page

To send a rebroadcast or follow-up Notification from the Active/History page:

  1. Log in to the Manager Portal and select the desired Organization from the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Navigate to Communications > Notifications > Active History.
  3. From the Active/History sub-tab, select the Actions link for the desired Notification.
  4. Select Rebroadcast or Send Follow-Up.
    Rebroadcast or Send Followup Notification From ActiveHistory page.png
    1. If sending a rebroadcast, click Rebroadcast Now.
    2. If sending a follow-up, select the group or groups of contacts to send the follow-up to, and then click Next to complete the follow-up Notification on the next page.

Sending from Notification Details Page

To send a rebroadcast or follow-up Notification from the Notification Details page:

  1. Log in to the Manager Portal and select the desired Organization from the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Navigate to Communications > Notifications > Active History.
  3. From the Active/History sub-tab, select the desired Notification.
  4. The Notification Details page opens. Select Rebroadcast or Send Follow-Up.
    Rebroadcast or Send Followup Notification.png
    1. If sending a rebroadcast, click Rebroadcast Now.
    2. If sending a follow-up, select the group or groups of contacts to send the follow-up to, and then click Next to complete the follow-up Notification on the next page.

NOTE: The Send Follow-up option is available for Incident Notifications in the UI only. This feature is not available in the ManageBridge app for Incident Notifications.

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