EBS: Contacts Signing Up via the Member Portal Have Incomplete Information in Their Record in Everbridge Suite


Contacts signing up via the member portal have incomplete information in their record. One or more additional information fields may be missing. This can adversely affect contact search queries. For example, a contact will be found if a field is blank but if the field doesn't exist, the contact won't be found.

Root Cause:

Only the first page of the sign-up process is required for a contact record to be created. This problem occurs when a contact completes the first step (page) of the registration process but does not complete the remaining registration steps. For example, the browser may crash or they may abandon the sign-up process midway through the registration. This behavior ensures that contact records are not lost in these scenarios.


  • Have the contact edit their record and complete the registration process.
  • Delete contact records that are incomplete.
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