EBS: Everbridge Suite Roles and Permissions


Everbridge Suite roles and permissions.


The Everbridge Suite system offers two levels of user roles: the Account level and the Organization level. From these levels, different roles have specific permissions and access to certain templates.

NOTE: This article describes the Everbridge 360 interface menu structure.

Account Level

At the Account level, an Account Administrator is the overall system administrator. The Account Administrator inherits all permissions of all user roles for all products assigned to the client. An Account Administrator can access all functionality available at the Account level and at the Organization level.




Send Notifications to contacts in any Organization.

Contacts + Assets

Upload contacts and assets into any Organization.


User management. Add, edit, delete, and enable/disable users in any Organization.

Reports + Analytics

Review usage reporting for credits, contacts, and Notifications. 


Assign permissions and resources to the users added/managed under the User Management tab.


Manage Account-wide settings in the following areas:

  • Account Name
  • Notifications
  • Contact Upload Mapping
  • Security
  • Regional Settings
  • Usage

Organization Level

There are many roles at the Organization level, and you can access different system components or modules depending on your role. That is, the Everbridge Suite tabs available to you after you log in are the ones in which you have permission to work. Default roles are:

  • Organization Administrator - This administrator is responsible for an Everbridge Suite and/or Incident Management Organization. Organization Administrators can access all functionality available to the Organization (all Everbridge Suite and Incident Management tabs at the Organization level). Organization Administrators can perform actions within their own Organizations, but not others. They can add groups in their individual Organizations.
  • Group Manager - This role can manage and send Notifications to predefined sets of contacts. Group Managers can perform actions within their groups. A Group Manager cannot edit the Organization settings. Group Managers can access functionality at the Organization level to the following Everbridge Suite tabs:
    • Dashboard
    • Universe
    • Notifications
    • Contacts
    • Reports
  • Dispatcher - Users with this role can manage and send Notification templates, manage scheduled Notifications, and manage active Notifications. Dispatchers can access functionality at the Organization level to the following Everbridge Suite tabs:
    • Dashboard
    • Universe
    • Notifications
  • Data Manager - Users of this role can only manage contact records (add, edit, and remove). Data Managers can access functionality at the Organization level to the following Everbridge Suite tabs:
    • Contacts
    • Reports
  • Mass Notification Operator - Users of this role can send predefined Notification templates and can manage active Notifications. Mass Notification Operators can access functionality at the Organization level to the following Everbridge Suite tabs:
    • Notifications
  • Incident Administrator - This administrator manages Incident Communications for the Organization. Incident Administrators inherit all permissions of the Incident Operator. Incident Administrators can access functionality at the Organization level to the following tabs: 
    • Incidents
    • Dashboard
    • Contacts
    • Reports
  • Incident Operator - Users of this role, in general, launch and manage Incidents, and launch new Incidents by phone.

Custom Roles

For additional flexibility, Administrators can also create a Custom Role based on any of the following legacy roles:

  • Incident Administrator
  • Incident Operator
  • Group Manager
  • Dispatcher
  • Data Manager

This allows for the mixing and matching of permissions to provide greater control over users' permissions. For more on Custom Roles, see:

Permissions and Accessibility

In general, users of the Everbridge Suite system can perform actions, but only if they have permission. A user can be assigned as an Organization Administrator and other roles within the same Organization. The Organization Administrator can switch among the different roles to view resources.

If your Account Administrator gives the Organization Administrator access to user and role management, then an Access subtab appears in the Settings tab of the navigation bar for the Organization.

Access Tab.png

Select the desired link to proceed directly to the procedure:

User Management Procedures

Access User and Role Management

  1. As an Organization Administrator, log in to the Everbridge Suite Manager Portal.
  2. Click the Access tab.
  3. Review the following information about the three subtabs that appear:
  • Users: Displays a list of users of the current organization. Organization Administrators can add users, edit users, and delete users. Users can be disabled and enabled.
  • Roles: Displays the roles and their permissions and assigned users of the current organization.
NOTE: From the Roles subtab, select the Permissions Grid link from the menu to display a table of all role types and their corresponding permissions.
Permissions Grid Link Organization Level.png
  • Uploads: Organization Administrators can upload users here like they would contacts.
Add a User and Corresponding Roles from the Organization Level
  1. As an Organization Administrator, log in to the Everbridge Suite Manager Portal.
  2. Click the Access tab.
  3. Click the Users subtab, and then Add User
  4. The Add User page appears. In the General Information pane, type the user name and email address.
  5. If you have Single Sign-On functionality, type the user's SSO User ID.
  6. Optionally, click Link with an existing contact record to link the user record with a contact record. This link is useful if you want to send messages just to your users, and/or if you plan to allow users to edit their contact information via the private Member Portal. (The contact record must already exist in order to link the record with the user.)
  7. In the Role Information pane, select the Role for this user from the drop-down list.
  8. Click Assign.
NOTE: If you are using Single Sign-On (SSO), you must upload with a role. If you are not using SSO, you can upload without defining a role.
  1. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 to add more roles for this user as needed.
  2. Click Save. Note that the user is not yet registered. You will need to send an invitation to the user, asking him or her to register.
  3. Select the checkbox of the user you just added, then click the Send Invite button. When the user receives the email, he or she can select the link to go directly to the Registration page. Once registered, the user becomes active and can use the system.

Assign Your Operators Limited Access to Templates

  1. As an Organization Administrator, log in to the Manager Portal.
  2. Click the Access tab, and then select the Roles subtab.
  3. Select the desired operator role (Mass Notification or Incident). By default, the operators have "Access to all" templates.
  4. From the desired template type, select "Limited access".
  5. Select the checkbox of each template to which you want the operator to have access.
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