VCC: How Is Data Feed Aggregation Displayed on the Map in Visual Command Center (VCC)?

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How is data feed aggregation displayed on the map in Visual Command Center (VCC)? Why does an area on the map show as an aggregate instead of individual assets?


Aggregation, or the heat map display, is triggered when there are over 1,000 assets in the map view. All countries will be shown with aggregation if the zoom level includes 1,000 or more assets, even if the individual country has fewer assets.

To see individual assets displayed as points for an area, zoom in until there are less than 1,000 assets in view.

For example, this zoomed in view of Europe shows points for the few assets located there:

Zooming out to include portions of the United States will change those areas in Europe to aggregate heat maps due to more than 1,000 assets now being visible.

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