VCC: How to Create and Import a Geoshape Into Visual Command Center (VCC)


How to create and import a geoshape into Visual Command Center (VCC).


To create an asset in VCC that consists of a predefined area which can be used for alerting follow the steps below:

  1. Use a tool or an app, (such as, to draw a GeoShape.
  2. Save the shape as a .WKT file.
  3. Log in to VCC, navigate to the Admin console and create a new data feed in VCC:

From the Admin Console select:

  1. Data
  2. My Data
  3. + Add Data
  4. Name the new Data Type. Then select the kind of data from the drop-down list.
  1. Select the newly created Data, then download a blank .CSV template.  
    1. Open the template in Excel.
    2. Open the WKT file in Notepad.
    3. Copy the entire contents of the WKT file into the Geometry cell of the template.
    4. Populate the rest of the template with a minimum of External ID and Label.
    5. Save the template as a CSV file.
    6. Select: Upload New File.
    7. Verify the upload has completed successfully.
  2. Set Alert Settings and Attributes as desired.
  3. Select Feed Settings in the upper right corner to enable the new data, then Save.
  4. Return to the Operator Console, refresh the screen and your new Geoshape should be displayed.
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