How to download, install and use the Loupe Log desktop application to retrieve Control Center log files.
When raising support cases for Control Center, it is very useful and often a necessity to provide logs so that the issue can be investigated by Control Center support effectively. To retrieve Control Center logs, the Loupe desktop application is required.
If you do not have the Loupe Log desktop application installed, download the application from and select the free components only option. You will need to log in to your Loupe account or register a new Loupe account before proceeding with the download. Once installed, you can package and save Control Center logs using the Loupe desktop application as shown below.
Generating Loupe Log Files
Note: We are aware that the quality of the screenshots below needs to improve. Unfortunately they cannot be enlarged without worsening the blurriness. As soon as we are able, we will be updating the screenshots with higher quality screenshots. Meanwhile we anticipate the current screenshots will provide some assistance.
- Start Loupe Desktop; the logs relating to Control Center will automatically appear in the Local Live Sessions window:
- Select Control Center from the left-hand banner:
- Create a new package for the log file to allow it to be exported. To do this, right-click Packages and select New:
- Give the package a descriptive name relating to the issue and the type of log file it is.
- Select the row/log file that you require. There is a column called Ended which if you sort descending will help in selecting the correct log file.
- You can then drag the log file you require and drop it into your newly created package:
- Depending on the size of the file, it may take some time. Once completed, you can then export the package you created.
- Right click the package and select Save As making sure the file type used is (*.glp):
- Select a location for the file to be saved and select Save. This newly saved file should be attached to the support case and/or emailed to the relevant contact at Control Center.
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