NC4 - E Team - R9.8 Using E Team - Data Sharing

E Team enables you to share documents with users on other E Team systems. It is the responsibility of your E Team System Administrator to configure your system to use E Team-to-E Team Data Sharing.

If your system is E Team-to-E Team capable, and you are member of the E Team Authors, Editors, Managers, or System Admin group, or have been given the permission data_sharing (AUTHOR) or (EDITOR), you will see the full Data Sharing section as part of your report.

If you do not have data sharing rights, you will see only a Comments field within the Data Sharing section. You are not expected to make an entry in this field.

When you share a report with another E Team system(s), you retain ownership of the report and can modify the report as you choose. Systems with which you have shared the report have read-only access to the report.

The Assign Control To option allows you to assign edit/update rights to another E Team system. WHEN YOU ASSIGN EDIT/UPDATE RIGHTS TO THAT SYSTEM, YOU GIVE UP YOUR OWN EDIT/UPDATE RIGHTS. The only way to reclaim those rights is for that system to assign control back to your system.

When you assign control of a report to another E Team system, you can also choose whether to allow that system to forward the report to yet another E Team system. If you select No, the system with which you are sharing the report will be unable to forward the report and will only have the option of returning report control to your system.

Sharing an E Team Report Instance

Locate and place the report instance to be shared in update mode and click on the Control & Sharing tab.  In the Data Sharing section:

User-added image

  1. Click on the Yes option to allow the report to be shared. The default is No. Once you set this to Yes and the document is submitted the Yes value will be retained and the document will be shared each time it is submitted, until such time as this field is reset to No.
  2. Click the Select button to choose your data sharing partner(s). The report will be available to the E Team system(s) you have selected only after you submit it.
  3. Make a selection from the picklist to Assign Control To another E Team System if you wish to assign edit/update rights to that system. 
    Assigning control to another E Team system allows them to edit/update that report.  You will have read-only access to the report until such time as the other E Team system you assigned control to, assigns control back to your system.
  4. If you have chosen to assign control to another E Team system, you also have the option to allow them to Forward the report to another system that they share data withSelect Yes in the Allow Forwarding field. The default is No.
    If you select No, the system with which you are sharing the report will be unable to forward the report and will only have the option of returning report control back to your system.
  5. Enter any comments you wish to include. 

You may make changes in this section at anytime as long as your system has retained or been given back control of the document. 

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