NC4 - E Team - R9.8 E Team Form Builder - Custom ICS Forms

The attached custom ICS forms were released in 2017 and were designed for E Team R9.7.

  1. Download the attached .zip file.
  2. Unzip the file to view all contents. Content is comprised of custom forms .zip files
  3. Log into E Team.
  4. Go to Administration > Form Builder.
  5. Import each .zip
  6. Publish each form.
  7. Configure each view.

Forms are now ready to use.

If you have been using other custom ICS forms we recommend you do a cleanup of the old custom ICS forms BEFORE importing the new.

  1. Delete all active form instances from your E Team views.
  2. Unpublish each of the old custom ICS forms.
  3. Delete the old view configuration for each.
  4. Delete each old ICS form from your active Form Builder screen.
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