NC4 - E Team - R9.8 Using E Team - Default Event Reference

The Default Event option was added in support of a specific Planned Event, however it can also be used for all Planned or Emergency Events.

When a Default Event is NOT set users will see the following view title when clicking on the All Reports by Default Event and Incident by Default Event views.

EVENT: There is no default event set in the system.

When a Default Event IS set the user will see the Event Name at the top of these views, example: 

EVENT: Super Bowl

Default Event Settings

The setting of a default event must be done by an E Team System Administrator or Manager. There are three (3) settings related to the use of a default event:

  1. Set Default Event - To set your default event:
    • Navigate to Data Dictionary > Default Event. The system will display a list of all active Events.
    • Check the box to the left of the Event.
    • Click on the Set Default button.
  2. Enable the Default Event Reference Frame - This is not required, you may set a default Event without also using the associated Reference Frame. However, if you enable this frame and do not set a default event, the frame will remain empty.
    When the Default Event References Frame set to Enabled, users will
    NOT have access to their Targeted Alerts, nor will they see the Targeted Alerts indicator, until such time as the keyword is reset to Disabled.
    To enable visibility of the Default Event Reference Frame:
    • Navigate to Data Dictionary > Keywords.
    • Locate the keyword DefaultEventReferences.
    • Place the document in Update.
    • Select Enable in the available drop down.
    • Submit the form.
  3. Add Internet Links - To add Internet Link listings to the Default Event Reference Frame:
    • Navigate to References > Internet Links.
    • Create a new or update an existing Internet Links document and enter the following in the Category field: Default Event.
    • Submit the document.

Log out and back in to see the results of your actions. The view titles will be present and, if enabled, the Targeted Alerts Frame will be replaced with new Frame containing Planned Activities and Links headings. Related Planned Activities will be listed by Planned Activity Name. Links will be listed by Title for all Reference documents containing the Default Event Category.

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