NC4 - E Team - R9.8 Using E Team - E Team Reports Overview

E Team reports are divided into categories to better help you locate which report(s) you need in the course of your duties. The E Team framework enables organizations to use as little or as much of the system’s capabilities as needed, and as a result, your system may be configured to not use all the reports detailed here. In addition, your organization may utilize custom reports created specifically to meet the needs of your organization. This section reviews only those reports delivered with the E Team application. Check with your E Team System Administrator if you have questions regarding report availability within your system. 


  • Alert Bulletin – The Alert Bulletin is used for providing E Team users with broadcasts of important information.  When an Alert Bulletin is created, a broadcast is sent to all E Team users via a small browser pop-up window, with the exception of the Daily Page Alert Bulletins. Users can read the information and close the window when finished. Users will only see the bulletin once, unless they log out or restart their browser. The ten most recent Alert Bulletins are displayed in the Alert window. The Daily Page Bulletins are intended to be delivered via email to a targeted audience(s).
  • IPAWS OPEN Alerts - The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System - Open Platform for Emergency Networks (IPAWS-OPEN) provides interoperability interfaces for sharing alerts and other emergency-related information. These interfaces provide data structures and rules of operations designed to enable information sharing between diverse systems. In general, these interfaces conform to open messaging standards as defined through the Emergency Management Technical Committee sponsored by the OASIS standards organization and through the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM).
    • IPAWS-OPEN Alerts – Accessing the IPAWS-OPEN view triggers the display of alerts from IPAWS-OPEN. By clicking on the alert link, the full document can be viewed. When launched, users have the option to create an Incident in E Team or draft an update to the alert.
    • CAP Alert Authoring – The primary use of the CAP Alert Authoring form is to provide a single input to activate all kinds of alerting and public warning systems. This is meant to reduce the workload associated with using multiple warning systems while enhancing technical reliability and target-audience effectiveness, as well as to help ensure consistency in the information transmitted over multiple delivery systems. This form can be used to generate basic CAP messages, EAS, NWEM, and CMAS alerts.


  • Incident – Incidents are localized emergencies such as building collapses or HAZMAT spills. Often they are a result of a larger Event, such as a flood, hurricane, earthquake, etc. The Incident Report captures critical information about the incident itself. Some of the data elements collected are status, prognosis, type, location, lead agency, description, impact on infrastructure, and casualties. Incident reports can be posted to the E Team map.
  • Event Reports – Event reports allow users to tie all the other reports in the system together to make it easier for after action reviews, reimbursement, and situational awareness. The Event Report allows users to document and update critical information about the event. Event reports can be posted to the E Team map. There are two major types of Events in E Team: Planned and Emergency.
    • Emergency Event – Emergency Events are large emergencies such as a major flood, tornado, hurricane or earthquake. Events are often the cause of incidents, or have multiple incidents related to them.
    • Planned Events – Planned Events are events that are anticipated and prepared for. They are typically not emergencies, but have the potential to become one. Examples of Planned Events are large political conventions, large-scale sporting events such as the Olympics, or music festivals.
  • Planned Activity – A Planned Activity is typically small and localized as well as planned and anticipated. Examples of Planned Activities are protest marches, political rallies, a major sporting event, etc. Planned Activity Reports are designed to capture critical information about the Planned Activity. Some of the data elements captured are status, prognosis, start and end times, lead agency, and critical issues. Planned Activity Reports can be posted to the E Team map.
  • Exercise – developed in accordance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Management Exercise Reporting System 95-44, the Exercise report allows users to record all information relating to an exercise.
  • Medical Incident – A Medical Incident Report is a specialized type of incident report. It can be used to define and track critical medical information. Medical Incidents can be posted to the E Team map.
  • Suspicious Package Triage – A Suspicious Package Triage Report is used to record unidentified packages and track testing of the same.
  • Disease Surveillance – The Disease Surveillance Report provides the ability to collect, display, track and archive syndromic surveillance data about disease outbreaks from multiple health care facilities.
  • Call Center – The Call Center was designed to provide a means by which to record calls, geo-locate the potential problem area on the E Team map, and dispatch the call by making the proper assignment. The Call Center report gives the user the ability to relate a call to an existing Event, Incident or Activity previously recorded in the system or to create a new Incident based on the call received from directly within the Call Center report. You may also create Resource Requests and Tasks from within this report.

Disaster Relief

  • Case Management – The E Team Case Management report provides a single document case management capability so that individuals eligible for assistance from multiple sources and the sources that provide them have a single, unified record to control disbursement of goods and services. In addition, the Case Management function can be used to track the location of displaced individuals and their dependents. The Case Management function can also be tied back to other victim records like assessor's data, health information, criminal history, etc. The Case Management report will allow you to track food, shelter, clothing, travel, and cash disbursements by social security and FEMA ID number, reducing the risk of duplicate or fraudulent claims, as well as track total assistance by zip, district, etc. in real time.
  • Volunteer – The Volunteer Report allows you to keep a record of all disaster workers, both permanent and those called in as needed. In addition, the associated Deployment Report allows you to assign and track individual volunteers while they are activated.
  • Donations – The Donation Report allows you to record and track donations.


Infrastructure reports and are designed to give users an infrastructure overview of the jurisdiction concerned. The reports are designed to gather specific information on various types of infrastructure.

  • Hospital – Hospital reports are designed to keep track of an individual hospital or medical facility’s capacity to accept and treat victims of an emergency. Some of the critical data elements collected are (a) capability to accept victims, (b) number of personnel available broken out by specialty, (c) bed space available broken out by type, and (d) contact information. Hospital reports can be posted to the E Team map.
  • Shelter – Shelter reports are designed to assist organizations in the task of managing multiple evacuation shelters. The Shelter report accomplishes this task by capturing critical information on individual shelters. Some of the data elements captured are (a) status of shelter, (b) number of people sheltered, (c) remaining capacity, (d) location, (e) special services available, and (f) contact information. Shelter reports can be posted to the E Team map.
  • Public Facility – Facility reports are designed to keep track of the status of critical facilities that may be affected by an emergency. Some of the critical data elements collected by the report are (a) name of facility, (b) status, (c) contact information, and (d) estimated damage. Facility reports can be posted to the E Team map.
  • Hazmat Tier-II Facility – HazMat Tier-II (T-II) Facility Reports are designed to record information pertaining to HazMat T-II storage facilities, including detailed information on all chemicals contained at the site.
  • Corporate Facility – Corporate Facility reports are designed to keep track of the status of critical private sector facilities that may be affected by an emergency. Some of the critical data elements collected by the report are (a) name of facility, (b) status, (c) contact information, and (d) estimated damage. Facility reports can be posted to the E Team map.
  • Road Closure – Road Closure reports are designed to keep track of the status of roads and the effect that damage or disruptions may have on traffic flow. Some of the critical data elements collected are (a) the name of the road, (b) direction in which closed, (c) cause of closure, and (d) contact information. Road Closure reports can be posted to the E Team map.
  • Transit System – Transit System reports are designed to keep track of the status of mass transit systems. Some of the critical data elements collected are (a) overall status, (b) number of commuters affected, (c) estimated time of restoration, and (d) contact information.
  • Utilities Outage – Utilities Outage reports are designed to keep track of the status of utility service for a specific geographic area. Some of the critical data elements collected are (a) overall status, (b) number of customers without service, (c) cause of disruption, and (d) contact information.

Damage Assessment
Damage Assessment reports have been designed to be used in the aftermath of a disaster to assess damage and gather details required for a Presidential Declaration of Disaster. The ability to record and report this information is critical to the recovery process.

  • Business Loss – The Business Loss report is designed to capture and assess damage to a business in the aftermath of a disaster.
  • Housing Loss – The Housing Loss report is designed to capture and assess damage to a home in the aftermath of a disaster.
  • Public Entity Loss – The Public Entity Loss report is designed to capture and assess damage to a public entity in the aftermath of a disaster.
  • Windshield Damage – The Windshield Damage Assessment report is designed to record initial data regarding damage to a structure. This report allows you record the location and basic status of the structure to help determine whether or not a complete damage assessment is required. Should a more extensive assessment be required, you may elect to create a Rapid Damage Assessment form from within the Windshield document.
  • Rapid Damage – The Rapid Damage Assessment report is designed to record more detailed data regarding the damage to a structure. This report allows you record location, assessment and evaluation, and estimated damages data.

Resource reports are designed to assist you in the tasks of resource requests, tracking and fulfillment, and critical asset management.

  • Resource Requests – The Resource Request Report is designed to facilitate the task of requesting and providing resources. The Resource Request report allows users at an agency or a command post to request resources and then to forward that request to the next agency in their request chain. E Team takes into account that a request may have to be passed through several agencies, often at different levels of government, before it finally reaches an agency or private sector organization that can actually provide the resource. E Team also recognizes that the resource request process is not complete until the resource actually arrives on scene. Thus, E Team can be used to track the receipt and deployment of the resource. Resource Request reports can be posted to the E Team map.
  • Critical Asset – The Critical Asset Report addresses the issue of locating all the available assets necessary to respond to a disaster. This powerful tool gives organizations the ability to determine asset location and availability quickly from other organizations statewide or regionally. Some of the data elements captured in the report are availability of asset, asset ID, owning agency, location, and contact information. Critical Asset reports can be posted to the E Team map.
  • Vendor – The Vendor report allows users to record critical information about vendors whose products or services may be required during an activation. The report contains information as to the vendor’s status, its overall contractual relationships, and the goods and services it provides, as well as contact information. Information in the Vendor Report is dynamically linked to the Resource Request.

Situation Reports give you the ability to create summary reports that provide a comprehensive assessment of the overall situation. Unlike other reports in E Team the Situation Reports deal in generalities that are suited to the needs of executive level managers, elected officials, and the media.

  • Jurisdiction SitRep – The Jurisdiction Situation Report is designed to summarize key information found in other areas of E Team. The focus of this report is to provide current information in a generalized format for a particular political jurisdiction such as a State, County, or City. The report focuses on the big picture such as the number of buildings destroyed, whether there has been a disaster declaration, and the fiscal impact of a disaster. This report is ideally suited to the needs of senior executives and elected officials.
  • Agency SitRep – The Agency Situation Report is designed to capture information related to the overall capabilities and fiscal expenditures of a specific agency during a disaster. This report is useful for developing a big picture perspective of the impact of a disaster on an agency’s ability to perform response operations. Additionally, the report provides a foundation for determining the fiscal impact of responding to and recovering from a disaster.
  • COOP – Developed in accordance with FPC 65 requirements, COOP reports enable users to quickly deliver required status reporting electronically and instantaneously to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) upon request. E Team’s COOP report enables users to access a standardized reporting form that contains all DHS-required fields, easily mark COGCON levels achieved, address operational status, staffing levels, and communications status with yes/no buttons and drop-down boxes, and quickly enter detailed COOP site information including point of contact, location, email, phone, pager, cell, fax, and secure phone numbers.
  • Intelligence Reports – The Intelligence Reports are designed to provide both summary and detailed information on terrorist threats.
    • Intel Summary – The Intelligence Summary Report provides a high level summary of threats and provides links to more detailed information about terrorist organizations and threats to locations.
    • Intel Location – The Location Intelligence reports provide threat information specific to a location.
    • Intel Entity – The Entity Intelligence reports provide information about specific terrorist organizations and provide links to information about members of those organizations.
    • Intel Biography – The Biography Intelligence reports provide information about known terrorists, including photographs if available.
  • Hotline – The Hotline Report is designed to record information received and categorized as a tip. This report allows you to prioritize and classify tips received. Collection and distribution of this information can be critical to an ongoing investigation.
  • Tip Submission – The TIP Submission report is designed for Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISAC) to record information received and categorized as a tip. This report allows you record and categorize Targets of Suspicious Activity, Subjects of Interest (both by person and business/organization) and Sources of Information.
  • Corporate SitRep – The Corporate Situation report is designed to gather information from major private employers within an area impacted by a disaster. The information provided by this report is useful in analyzing the economic impact of a disaster.
  • Organization SitRep – Organization situation reports give users the ability to create summary reports that provide a comprehensive assessment of the overall situation. Unlike other reports in E Team, the Organization Reports deal in generalities that are suited to the needs of executive level managers, elected officials and the media.
  • Public Info – The Public Information (PIO) report is designed to coordinate the release of information among key agencies and officials. Use of this report can help alleviate the problem of senior officials from different agencies releasing contradictory information during an emergency.

Task Reports focus on the coordination of agencies attempting to plan and execute interagency response plans. This is a powerful tool for identifying objectives, assigning tasks in support of those objectives, and then monitoring the status of those tasks to ensure their timely completion.

  • Task – This report is the foundation for the Task module. It allows managers to set overall objectives that need to be accomplished in response to an emergency.
  • Sub-Task – This report is designed to assign tasks that support an overall objective detailed in a Task Status Report.
  • Action Request – This report is designed to request a specific action in direct support of a Task or Sub-Task. This report can be enabled or disabled by your E Team System Administrator. If disabled, this will not appear in the Report pull down list.
  • Plan Concern Report – This report is used to identify shortcomings or unforeseen problems with a Task, Sub-Task, or Action Request. This report can be enabled or disabled by your E Team System Administrator. If disabled, this will not appear in the Report pull down list.


  • Duty Logs – The duty log is the catchall report of the system. It is designed to log everything of significance that occurred on your shift and any actions you undertook. You can also use the duty log to document anything that does not belong on another E Team report or reports.


  • Hazard Model Reports - Model Reports allow you to create Hazard Model reports to which models created outside E Team can be attached. Most users will not have access rights that allow them to add or delete these models, but they will have the capability to create the initial Hazard Model report to which the models are attached.


Personnel reports are designed to assist in tracking and reassignment of personnel.

  • Personnel Reports – The Personnel report provides the capability to track the status of particular individuals within your organization. Personnel reports may be filled out for all personnel of interest prior to an event or emergency, and updated during the activation. Alternatively, they may be used on an exception basis, that is, they may be filled out only in the event a person is injured, unavailable, or when his or her condition reaches some other threshold of interest.

If you have the required access rights, you can create and update certain reference data in the E Team system.

  • Internet Link – This feature allows you to enter and store URLs to websites of interest so that other E Team users can access them from within the system.
  • Site – This report allows you to create a list of fixed sites and their locations. Sites from this list can then be accessed in the location section of any report.
  • Reference Document – This feature allows you to store and retrieve documents such as contingency plans, situation-specific checklists, or any other stored document in electronic form.
  • Directory – This feature allows you to locate and view E Team and non E Team users by various parameters such as, name, organization or skill-sets. The Directory Report View By Non-User Name allows you to create Personal Profile documents for non E Team users. This directory can be accessed throughout E Team in the notification, access control, and responsibility sections and is also used when creating email groups.
  • Task Template – This option allows you to create templates that can serve as the basis for multiple Action Plans, saving you time so you don’t have to re-enter the same information for each Action Plan. These templates can then be selected from within the Emergency and Planned Events, Incident, Medical Incident, and Planned Activity reports.
  • Notification Group – This feature allows you to create email notification groups. Groups from this list can then be accessed in the notification section of any report.
  • Staffing Plan – Staff Scheduling allows you to create, store and modify schedules for your organization.
  • Organization Chart – The Organization Builder enables you to build and display your organizational structure online, based on the structure of your organization and the skill sets of your personnel. Within this organization, you can create hierarchical levels, define the individual positions within each level, and include contact information and department or position checklists for each level or position.
  • Special Needs – There are individuals within communities with special needs, those who are mobility impaired, or rely on life-support equipment, or otherwise need special attention after a community-wide disaster. Public safety personnel need to know where these people are and what special needs they may have. E Team's Special Needs Report allows you to enter and maintain data on your special needs population. It captures age, location, medical conditions and special needs information that is then readily available at the time it is most needed.
  • Document Library – The Document Library provides the means by which to add documents to your E Team system that can be shared among all users. Users with the proper rights can add documents to the library, which in turn can be viewed by others and/or attached to any number of documents created within E Team using the standard Attachment section of reports. 

Data Dictionary & Administration
Data Dictionary and Administration items are available only to administrative E Team users and are modifiable based on one’s level of access.

  • Data Dictionary - The E Team Data Dictionary is used to store the information contained in all of the picklists used to populate fields on the forms throughout the application. Most of the picklists available on the forms contain values that can be customized to meet the needs of your organization. In addition to configurable picklists, the Data Dictionary also includes user definable color codes, access control groups and information on setting up Position-Based menus.
  • Administration - Administration is used to set up Users, Groups, and Roles,  as well as to configure various aspects of the system including ETeam-to-ETeam Data Sharing, Data Replication, Mapping, Archiving, User Registration, and Auto-Closure.
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