NC4 - E Team - R9.8 Server Installation/Upgrade - Server Environment

Some components of E Team can be installed on one physical server or on multiple machines. Typical configurations are:

  • When used with E Team, ArcGIS on one physical or virtual server and the E Team Application with the Database on one physical or virtual server
  • When used with E Team, ArcGIS on physical or virtual Server 1, the E Team Application on physical or virtual Server 2 and the Database on physical or virtual Server This is the recommended hardware solution.

It is recommended that all the servers (especially the database servers) are backed up regularly using a local backup device.

Recommended specification for Application Server

  • Quad Core (or VM with 4 core)
  • 8GB RAM
  • 120GB of free disk space with RAID 5

Recommended specification for ArcGIS Server

When using ArcGIS with E Team, the recommended specification for the ArcGIS Server is:

  • Dual Core 2 Duo processor at 4GHZ or above
  • 4GB RAM
  • 160GB of free disk space with RAID 5

Recommended specification for Database Server

  • Quad Core
  • 16GB RAM
  • 500GB of free disk space with RAID 10

E Team Server Software Requirements

  • Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2016 Server
  • SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2016

The server software as noted above has been tested in the NC4 QC environment and are known to function properly.

E Team does not use Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and it is recommended that IIS not be installed on the server. If IIS must reside on the server, it MUST use a different port than the E Team applications.

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