Registering and Managing Locations in NC4 Risk Center.
The Locations section allows Full-Access users to register locations and manage information for their locations. A registered location can be a site, a building, an executive, a VIP, a supplier or a multi-use facility/location. The Location Report can include links to status reports, location maps, etc., and is used for capturing and maintaining details about specific organizational assets.
NC4 Risk Center Administrators have the ability to import (and export) location information. The import/export feature makes the process of entering, updating and maintaining location information more efficient. Please contact your organization’s NC4 Risk Center Administrator, or if you are the Administrator, refer to Creating and Maintaining Location Information using the Location Maintenance Tool found in the article, Location Reports and Tools. |
Registering Locations
NC4 strongly recommends that users create all of their locations before creating new location Alert Profiles whenever possible. You can more easily ensure the consistency of your Alert Profiles, as well as take advantage of the select all feature. It is also a good practice to review and update all of your location profiles whenever a new location is registered. |
From the Location Reports and Tools screen, select the tab Create a Location to register a new location for your organization. The Location Form, as shown in here, is used to gather a variety of basic information about the location, including address and latitude/longitude, contact information, and notification details.
Creating/Registering Locations
When you begin the process of registering a location, you will need to first define the location’s sensitivity, and who will have access privileges to information pertaining to this location. From the upper right corner of the Create a Location screen, click the link to *View Access Privileges. The Set Access Privileges window opens, as shown below.
It is important to consider the security of all information entered into the system. The use of sensitivity levels and assignment of “Who can view/Who can update” access privileges are intended to enforce information security. For example, if a user has a sensitivity level lower than a registered location, then that user will not be able to see the location (it will be hidden). The restrictions imposed by the use of Sub-organizations can also be used to enhance security (e.g., users /locations can be hidden from other users/locations). Changing sensitivity levels is for advanced users, who have an indepth understanding of the system and its interdependencies. The default sensitivity level for all users is High. The default sensitivity level for all registered locations is Low. In most cases, your security objectives can be met without changing sensitivity levels. It is recommended that you use sensitivity levels to control access only if it is required to provide the level of security you need. NC4 encourages you to contact the Support Center for additional information. |
Set Access Privileges
- Select Low, Sensitive, or High to define the location’s level of sensitivity. Sensitivity levels are utilized throughout the system for Users, Locations, Comments, and in some optional modules.
Select who can view the Location by highlighting Available Group and Member in the boxes on the left, and then use the arrows in the center to add names to the boxes on the right. The groups and/or member(s) listed in the boxes on the right will be able to view this location.
- Click once to highlight a single entry.
- Click and hold down the Shift key to highlight a contiguous sequence of entries.
- Click and hold down the Ctrl key to highlight non-contiguous items from the list (i.e., to cherry pick the names of interest).
- The Sort By radio buttons provide a tool for sorting by First Name or Last Name as desired.
- Assign edit/update privileges for the location using the appropriate controls.
- Click on Close to save the sensitivity level and access privileges for this location.
The attached table describes the fields you will need to complete in order to register a new location into the system.
When registering a new location, the official postal address is required. If a location does not have an official postal address, a specific latitude and longitude can be used. Vanity addresses will not be recognized and should not be used.
Enter as much of the official postal address as possible in the Locate By Address tab. If there is enough information to successfully geo-locate the location, the remaining fields will be auto-populated when the Geolocate button is clicked. If there are multiple possibilities, a pop-up window will display, listing the potential matches from which you can choose.
Updating Information for Registered Locations
From the Location Reports tab, as shown here, select the All Locations report. The report will display in the Content Panel.
- Click on any Location Name in the report to access the registered location’s information.
- Make the needed modifications, and click Save.
Administrators have access to the Location Maintenance tool that allows for locations to be created, modified or deleted in bulk for the entire organization. Throughout the application, your registered Locations will appear as linked items. Clicking on the link will open the Location Form, from which you can modify the information if you have access privileges. |
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