NC4 - E Team - R9.8 Configuration Documents - Everbridge Configuration

Prior to configuring E Team to use with Everbridge, the customer must already have an existing, or obtain a new, Everbridge account with API rights, and have completed the following minimum configuration within Everbridge:

  • Your Everbridge account set up needs to be completed and an Everbridge administrator needs to be assigned within your organization.
  • Your Everbridge Delivery Methods must be configured. 

The following information is required within E Team:

  • Web services URL, supplied by Everbridge
  • Organization Name, supplied by Everbridge
  • Member ID, supplied by Everbridge
  • Password, supplied by Everbridge General Configuration Document

Configuring E Team Notification for Everbridge

General Configuration

    1. Log into the E Team application.
    2. From the E Team menu, select Administration > Configuration.
    3. Click on the General Configuration document link.
    4. Place the General Configuration document in Update mode.
    5. Click on the Notification Server tab.
    6. Enter the appropriate data in the four fields provided under the section EVERBRIDGE SERVER INFORMATION.
    7. Click on the Agent tab.
    8. In the Notification Agent Enabled? field select Yes for the Everbridge option.
      E Team provides the means by which to use both E Team and Everbridge notification throughout. You DO NOT have to disable one to use the other.
    9. Submit the General Configuration document to save your changes.

Data Dictionary

For the systems to work together, E Team must transmit delivery methods to Everbridge. The delivery methods set up in Everbridge must be entered into the E Team data dictionary keyword EverbridgeContactType. It is NOT required that the methods be listed in any particular order within E Team however, the text MUST exactly match the “Prompt” used within Everbridge for each method.

    1. To configure the Everbridge Delivery Methods in E Team:
    2. From the E Team menu, select Data Dictionary > Keyword.
    3. From the view displayed, select the keyword EverbridgeContactType.
    4. Place the document in Update mode.
    5. Enter all prompt values as configured for use within Everbridge.
    6. Submit the E Team keyword document.

E Team User Access Control

Use of the Everbridge notification feature in E Team is access controlled. Any user who needs the ability to use this feature MUST be assigned to the ETeam Everbridge Access group.

Recipient Configuration

E Team transmits the first and last names of all selected notification recipients. Notification recipients within E Team are selected based on availability of user and non-user profiles within E Team. You may select individual recipients or an E Team Notification Group. When a group is selected, E Team will transmit the names of all group members to Everbridge. It is not necessary to create Groups within Everbridge as the E Team system is required to send only contact names to the Everbridge system.

It is not required that you  to synchronize detailed contact information such as phone, email, etc. Everbridge will only use the contact data last saved within their system for each recipient. E Team does NOT transmit detailed contact data; rather it transmits only contact type (Delivery Method) which is the same for all recipients selected.

Each recipient selected in E Team MUST exactly match a contact saved within Everbridge. If a name is transmitted that does not match a contact in Everbridge the transmission will NOT be rejected, however, any name that is not a match within Everbridge will not be contacted.

In addition, Everbridge will ignore any data entered in the E Team notification tab field Other Email Addresses.

Once both Everbridge and E Team have been properly configured, you can verify configuration by sending a test notification from an E Team report.

  1. While logged into E Team select Event/Incident/Activity > Incident from the menu.
  2. Click Create at the top of the view frame.
  3. Enter data in the required fields on the Basic Info tab.
  4. On the Notification tab select Yes in the Enhanced Notification field.
  5. Enter a Message.
  6. Select Recipients.
  7. Submit the Incident form.
    Transmission begins on submission of the E Team form.
  8. Notification Queue under the Administration menu option in E Team.
  9. From the E Team menu, select Administration > Notification Queue.
  10. After a few minutes, expand the view to see status on all E Team notifications. For Everbridge this view will ONLY provide information regarding successful transmission from E Team to Everbridge. You should see a listing under Processed with type Everbridge for the notification you generated.

To confirm transmission of the notification by Everbridge to all recipients, you must be logged into Everbridge using an ID with the proper rights within Everbridge to view broadcast results.

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