NC4 - E Team - R9.8 Configuration Documents - Archiving Configuration

E Team Data Archiving allows users with proper rights to configure the system to archive data by date range, based on Last Modified Date/Time, or by the Event Name based on event relationship. 

Archiving does not remove the documents from the database, but rather removes the documents from active viewing. Standard reporting tools may continue to be used to retrieve data stored in archived documents. Archived documents can be restored to the same state as when they were archived. This is done document-by-document based on need.

A user needs to have the ETeam System Admin and ETeam Data Archiver privileges to be able to create an Archiving Configuration.

Creating Archiving Configuration

There can be only one archive configuration in the system at any given time. It can be edited as many times as required but only after archiving is complete with one configuration can a new one be created.

It is strongly recommended that a backup of the database be taken, and that the backup location be noted on the Archiving Configuration document for future reference.

  1. Log into the E Team application.
  2. From the system menu, select Administration > Archiving Configuration.
  3. Click the Create button to create a new Archiving Configuration document.
  4. Complete the required fields. When done Submit the document.
    • Archiving Mode: Select the correct option for your archiving needs, By Date or By Event. Default is By Date.
    • Begin Date: Visible when Archiving Mode is By Date. Click Set to chose start date range for documents to include. When done click OK.
    • End Date: Visible when Archiving Mode is By Date. Click Set to chose end date range for documents to include. When done click OK.
    • Select Events to be Archived: Visible when Archiving Mode is By Event. Click Select to check the Event(s) you wish to archive. When done click OK.
    • Archiving Start Time: Click Set to chose the start time for the archive function to initiate. The archive is on a Cron Scheduler that runs every 30 minutes.
    • DB Backup Loc: Enter your referenced physical location of the database backup made prior to archiving.
    • Enable: Make the proper selection to enabled or disable the archiving function.
    • Status: No action is required. Displays in Read Only mode to provide the archive status:
      • Archiving not Started
      • Archiving in Process
      • Archiving Complete
    • Archiving Process Detail: Displays in Read Only mode to provide detail for the archive based on configuration settings. Click on View Detail to launch process window. Data will include:
      • Number of Reports to be Archived
      • Report Name
      • Related Report
      • Report ID
      • Details (displays data relating to archiving error)

Archive by Event

All documents with relationship to the specified Event, regardless of status, will
be archived along with their history. For example a document related to LA Quake
2011 with a status of Green will be archived, as well as, a document with direct
relationship to an Incident that is related to the LA Quake 2011.

Archive by Date

Only documents that have an internal status of Deleted that fall within the specified date range, along with their entire history will be archived. For example, a document with Last Modified that falls within the specified date range but with internal Status Active, including a visible status Blue-Closed, would NOT be archived.

Report Archive Inclusion

ONLY the following report types, with documents falling within the archive criteria specified by the user will be archived. All other documents are considered to be static.

  • Action Request
  • Agency SitRep
  • Alert Bulletin
  • Business Loss
  • Call Center
  • Cap Alerts (Authored in your system)
  • Case Management
  • COOP
  • Corporate Facility
  • Corporate SitRep
  • Critical Assets
  • Custom Forms defined as "Non-Static"
  • Disease Surveillance
  • Donations
  • Duty Log
  • Event (Emergency and Planned)
  • Exercise
  • Hazard Model
  • HazMat T-II Facility
  • Hospital
  • Housing Loss
  • Incident
  • Intel Biography
  • Intel Entity
  • Intel Location
  • Intel Summary
  • Jurisdiction SitRep
  • Medical Incident
  • Organization SitRep
  • Personnel
  • Plan Concern
  • Planned Activity
  • Public Entity Loss
  • Public Facility
  • Public Info
  • Rapid Damage Assessment
  • Resource Request
  • Road Closures
  • Shelter
  • Site
  • Special Needs
  • Sub Task
  • Suspicious Package Triage
  • Task
  • Tip Submission
  • Transit System
  • Utilities Outage
  • Vendor
  • Windshield Damage Assessment
  • All non-geo locatable custom forms
  • All geo-locatable custom forms NOT set as Static.
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