NC4 - E Team - R9.8 E Team Form Builder - Custom Form View Configuration

The act of creating a custom form causes the system to also generate a Custom Form View Configuration document. This document will display on click of the CF View Configuration listing under the Administration option in your E Team menu.

Users must be a member of the ETeam System Admin or ETeamCustomFormViewConfig group to work with this document.

Each custom form will have 3 views within E Team:

  1. Active. Displays all form instances with a status NOT equal to Closed.
  2. All (Includes Closed). Displays all active (not deleted) form instances regardless of status.
  3. History. Displays each form instance and its' associated history.

Only the first 2 views (Active and All) can be customized to display selected data fields, and support internationalization. You can also define the location of the form and views within the menu hierarchy using this configuration form.

Menu/View Configuration

  1. Create a custom form. The associated view configuration document is created at this time.
    You can configure the views now or wait until you have published the form. The views will not display to your users until the form is published.
  2. Navigate back to your E Team main screen.
  3. In your E Team menu go to Administration > CF View Configuration > View Configuration.
  4. Your custom form will be listed in the main view frame.
  5. Select your custom form listing. The configuration document for that form will open in a new window in read-only mode.
  6. Click Update.
  7. The Language field will default to English (United States) when the document is first accessed. Thereafter it will open with the last Language selection made on prior submission. It is recommended that initial configuration be done in English (United States) and submitted before moving on to internationalize your views.
  8. In Top Level Menu select the menu heading under which the form should be accessed by your users. The form listing will be placed at the bottom of the menu heading selected. By default all published custom forms display under the Custom Forms menu option.
  9. For each of the delivered Field Name values listed:
    • Use In View? Disable any field listed that you DO NOT want to include in views. You can NOT disable the two (2) fields that drive the views, custom_form_instance_id and custom_form_instance_status.
    • View Column Display Label. Enter the column labels to be displayed in
      the Active and All (Includes Closed) views for this form. Each column label is associated with one of the seven (7) delivered custom form fields.
    • Column Wrap. Enable wrapping for any field where a Text Area control was used.This will cause text entered by a user when creating a form instance to wrap in your views. Text area fields used within views must be limited to 250 characters or use a rule to limit view display.
    • Date Format. Select the date format to be displayed in the views for this form for the associated field. Date Format should only be set for fields where a Date control was used during design. In addition, this setting is for view display only, the date format to be displayed on the form instances is set during the custom form design process. 

      Configuration Example:
      User-added image
  10. When finished Submit the configuration document.
  11. You MUST log out of and back into E Team to view your configuration. The Custom Forms menu is not built on the fly so changes made in the View Configuration document only take effect as the systems builds your menu at next login.
  12. From the menu select and expand the heading under which you placed the form.
  13. Select the Active view associated with this form to verify your configuration results.

    For the configuration example above, the form would be located under Disaster Relief and the view would look like this:
    User-added image

You can update your view configuration at anytime. Logged in users will not see changes to view configuration until they have logged out and back into E Team.

Internationalizing a Custom Form View

If your organization is using a second language within E Team and have internationalized your form design(s), you will also want to internationalize the associated views within E Team. 

  1. Complete the initial view configuration in English following the instructions above.
  2. Select and place the view configuration document in update mode.
  3. In the Languages drop down, select the supported language you are using. Once you select the new language the existing English
    language inputs in the View Column Display Label fields made previously for English will clear. This data is not lost and will display again when English is selected again in this field.
  4. In the View Column Display Label fields enter the text to be displayed in the views in the language selected for each of the default custom form fields enabled. All other settings remain the same for all languages. 
  5. When done click Submit.

    To view results your system and browser language settings must match the language selected for this configuration. You must log out and back into E Team.

Removing Custom Forms Views From the Menu

When you unpublish a custom form you will want to also remove the associated views from your E Team menu. To do this Delete the form's View Configuration document. This does NOT delete form instances. All active (not deleted) form instances are retained in the system and can continue to be viewed using the set of All Custom Forms views.

If you delete a View Configuration document by mistake, you can restore the configuration document and in turn the associated set of views.

Restoring Custom Form Views

  1. In your E Team menu go to Administration > CF View Configuration > History.
  2. Expand the view listings.
  3. Locate the View Configuration document to be restored.
  4. Select the link to the listing containing the deleted data. This document should be the top listing for the view configuration document associated with the form, and contain information for Deleted At and Deleted By.
    User-added image
  5. Click the link to open the document.
  6. Click the Restore button at the top of the document.
  7. Close the confirmation dialog.
  8. Return to the main View Configuration view.
    • The view configuration listing will again display in this view. 
    • Log out and back in to see the related custom form views in your E Team Menu.  All form instances will again be visible within these views.
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