NC4 - E Team - R9.8 Administration and Management - Report Viewer

E Team's Report Viewer is now part of the E Team solution deployment. When enabled and configured, users who are members of the group ETeam ARE Access will have the ability to view reports. The embedded viewer allows E Team users to access reports without the cost of additional licensing. A single shared id and password will need to be provided to all users who should have report viewing ability. E Team is delivered with a set of pre-defined reports, additional reports can be added. Please note that Crystal server is no longer needed unless enhanced partitioning and scheduling is required. However, Crystal Reports Developer is required for the creation and editing of reports if you desire to do this yourself.   

Adding Reports

You must have server access to add additional reports to E Team. WinRAR is needed to explode the .war and add reports.

  1. Log into your E Team server.
  2. Stop the E Team Services.
  3. Navigate to C:\eTeamInc\eTeamWebApp\eteam\jboss\server\default\deploy
  4. Make a copy of the nc4are.war / nc4areTraining.war for backup retention.
  5. Change the file extension on the .war to .rar.  DO NOT CHANGE THE FILE NAME, CHANGE ONLY THE FILE EXTENSION.
  6. Open newly named .rar and locate the ETeamReports folder.
  7. Open the ETeamReports folder and add the report(s).
  8. Close the WinRAR window when done.
  9. Change the file extension back .war.
  10. Restart the ETeam Services.
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