NC4 - E Team - R9.8 E Team Form Builder - Publishing/Unpublishing

The process of publishing or unpublishing a custom form or tab determines whether it is available to your users.

Publishing and Unpublishing Forms

To Publish a Form:

  1. Navigate to Administration Form Builder.
  2. Locate the form in the Form Builder Manager Active view.
  3. Click on the icon in the Publish column to the right of the form listing to open the Custom Form Publisher window.
  4. The selected form name will display in this window.
  5. Click Publish to make the form available within E Team.
    • The form is published to E Team.
    • The publishing window closes and focus is back on the Form Builder Manager Active view.
    • The Publish Date and Publish By data is recorded and displayed in the appropriate view columns. 
    • The red X is no longer present in the Delete column.
  6. Click Cancel to close this window without publishing the form to E Team. 

You can verify form publishing by returning to your E Team main window and from the E Team report menu select Custom Forms. Click on the Create button at the top of the view that displays. The newly published form will now be available within the custom forms create options listed.  

You can now configure your custom form view.

To Unpublish a Form:

Before unpublishing a form it is recommended that any instances of the form that remain in an active E Team Custom Forms view should be deleted. However, instances that have not been deleted in E Team and remain in the active views will
continue to be accessible and can be updated. NO NEW instances of an unpublished form can be created. To complete this action and remove the form specific views you must also Delete the associated View Configuration document

Unpublishing a form DOES NOT alter history within E Team. Form instances previously created will continue to be available in history. A form can be republished at anytime.

  1. Navigate to Administration Form Builder.
  2. Locate the form in the Form Builder Manager Active view.
  3. Click on the icon in the Publish column to the right of the form listing to open the Custom Form Publisher window.
  4. The selected form name will display in this window.
  5. Click Unpublish to make the form unavailable within E Team for new instances.
    • The form is unpublished.
    • The publishing window closes and focus is back on the Form Builder Manager Active view.
    • The Publish Date and Publish By data is cleared. 
    • The red X is present in the Delete column.

Publishing and Unpublishing Tabs

You may publish a tab to as many or as few E Team core forms as necessary. This process can be repeated as often as necessary to add a tab to additional E Team forms. You can publish multiple tabs to an E Team core form. Each time a tab is published to a form it is added as the last tab on the form. If you plan to publish multiple tabs, it is recommended that you create the tabs then publish in the order you want them to display on the core form. If you need to change the order of the custom tabs on a core form, you will need to unpublish the tabs from that form, then republish in the order you want them to display.

The Tab Publishing window allows you to both publish and unpublish at the same time.

To Publish a Tab:

  1. Navigate to Administration Form Builder.
  2. Locate the tab in the Form Builder Manager Active view.
  3. Click on the icon in the Publish column to the right of the tab listing to open the Custom Form Publisher window.
  4. The selected tab name will display in this window.
  5. Tabs can be published to multiple E Team forms. In the box on the left select the form(s) that you want to add the tab to, and use the arrow controls to complete the action. Results are displayed on the right. Reverse these actions to remove forms if you make a mistake.
  6. When done click Publish at the top of the form.
    • The tab is published to the selected E Team form(s).
    • The publishing window closes and focus is back on the Form Builder Manager Active view.
    • The Publish Date and Publish By data is recorded and displayed in the appropriate view columns. 
    • The red X is no longer present in the Delete column.

You can verify tab publishing by returning to your E Team main window and accessing a form on which the tab was published.

To Unpublish a Tab:

Unpublishing a tab DOES NOT alter history on a document to which it was previously published within E Team. Form instances previously created with the tab will continue to be available in history as they were at time of submission. A tab can be republished at anytime to activate it again for your users.

  1. Navigate to Administration Form Builder.
  2. Locate the tab in the Form Builder Manager Active view.
  3. Click on the icon in the Publish column to the right of the tab listing to open the Custom Form Publisher window.
  4. The selected tab name will display in this window.
  5. In the box on the right select the form(s) that you want to remove the tab from, and use the arrow controls to complete the action. The selection items will display again on the left. Reverse these actions to add forms if you make a mistake.
    You can also make additional selection(s) from the left if you want to publish the tab to a different form at the same time as you unpublish from another.
  6. The tab is unpublished from removed forms and when applicable published to newly selected forms.
    • The publishing window closes and focus is back on the Form Builder Manager Active view.
    • The Publish Date and Publish By data is cleared IF the tab has been unpublished from all core forms.  
    • The red X is present in the Delete column IF the tab has been unpublished from all core forms.
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