NC4 Risk Center - GPS-Assisted Tracking and Location Reporting - ActivPoint Administration

ActivPoint leverages the position reporting capabilities of today’s smartphones to deliver precise real-time position data to NC4 Risk Center, visualized directly within the Mobile Devices map layer on the NC4 Risk Center Situation Map, as shown below.  

Position Reporting

For those users that have enabled Report My Position within the ActivPoint App, there are three status modes that will display on the Situation Map:

  • Green – normal
  • Yellow – personal proximity warning has been triggered
  • Red – Distress signal has been triggered
User-added image

If a user has set Report My Position to OFF and they trigger a Distress Signal, the Report My Position setting on their device will be overridden and an immediate Distress signal will be sent through NC4 Risk Center to the organization ActivPoint administrator(s) and the user’s device location icon on the Situation Map will turn red to reflect the Distress status.


User-added image
Mobile users’ position and status shown on Situation Map


On the Situation Map, the map layer for Geofences, as shown above, gives administrators the ability to see the active Safe and No Go zones, and their users’ proximity to those geofences for an added layer of risk visibility.

Distress Signal

When a user triggers a Distress Signal, their associated icon on the Situation Map will change from Normal (green) or Proximity (yellow) status to Distress (red) status. Clicking on the user’s icon allows you to drill down for further details on the device and its location, as shown here.

 User-added image
Location shown on Situation Map for the device in Distress Mode

Request User Check-In

Admin users can now deliver a check-in request to specific ActivPoint users from the Situation Map and the Mobile Status Report, as shown in the following image. Once initiated, the check-in request is delivered as a notification to the ActivPoint app and presented to the user, who has the option to respond with “I’m ok” or “I need help.” The date and time of the check-in and the user’s response are then displayed on the map and on the status report. Pending check-ins (requests that have not yet received a response) are also displayed.

 User-added image
Check-In Request

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