NC4 Risk Center - Traveler Alert Profiles - ActivTravel User's Guide

Organizational and ActivTravel Administrators can create and manage customized Alert Profiles for their travelers from Settings in the Navigation Panel. Creating Alert Profiles based on travelers’ locations is similar to Alert Profiles you create for your organization’s registered locations. Where the two differ is in how the Alert Profile gets triggered and to whom the alerts are delivered.

Unlike location-based Alert Profiles that are triggered based on an unmoving, fixed location, travel Alert Profiles are triggered based on dynamic active and pending traveler locations at the time of the incident. Alerts triggered by Traveler Profiles are delivered directly to the traveler based on the email address provided in the travel itinerary.

Alerts triggered by Member Profiles are delivered to the assigned NC4 member user based on the address specified in that user’s Device Profiles. The NC4 member users who are assigned to Member Profiles could include the organization’s Travel manager, Human Resources manager, Security manager, etc.

Create Traveler Profile

Creating travel Alert Profiles is similar to creating location-based Alert Profiles. Refer to the creating NC4 Risk Center - Quick Start Guide in the Using NC4 Risk Center User Guide Settings section, for detailed information.

Overall Settings

The image below shows an example of the information needed to create a Traveler Alert Profile.

  • Enter a Profile Name and a Short Description of the profile that will clarify its specific purpose.
  • Select your preference for receiving incident alerts from NC4 by selecting the corresponding radio button next to Send Notifications for.
  • Select the appropriate Profile Activation radio button.

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Creating traveler Alert Profiles


Setting alert perimeters around travelers is similar to setting perimeters around registered locations.

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The virtual perimeters are placed only around the traveler locations, i.e. arrival and departure airports, and hotels which can be geolocated.

You will first set the area (in miles) around your Active traveler’s location(s). Enter the distances into each of the Severity Level fields provided. Any incident that falls within this defined perimeter, and also meets the other profile criteria, will trigger an alert if you have Active travelers within the defined perimeter.

For Pending travelers you will also enter the distances into each of the Severity Level fields provided. Since Pending travelers are en route and have not yet arrived to a location, you may wish to tighten the perimeters. You also define the Time Window in days, in which alerts will be triggered in advance of the Pending traveler arriving to a location.

Using the following image as an example, if a Pending traveler was scheduled to travel to Paris, France, and there was a severe incident in Paris the day prior to the traveler’s arrival date, an incident alert would be triggered. With your traveler’s location as the virtual epicenter, you can enter any distance in miles, including decimals, such as .25. 

You can also use the Preset Values by clicking on Tight PerimeterMedium Perimeter, or Wide Perimeter to automatically fill the Severity fields. 

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Defining traveler Alert Profile severity perimeters


Once the Overall Settings and Perimeters have been defined for the Alert Profile, you will then define the travelers to be added to the profile, as shown in the image below.

  1. First, select the appropriate radio button for how you want new travelers to be added to the Alert Profile: either automatically or manually.

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    The system defaults to Add new travelers to the profile automatically. It is recommended that you keep this automatic setting to ensure that your travelers receive alerts relevant to their current travel location. If needed, you may remove travelers from an Alert Profile at any time by updating the Alert Profile’s settings.

  2. Select the (existing) travelers to be assigned to the Alert Profile, by selecting them from the list provided.
    • Checking the box in the display lists’ column header allows you to select those shown in the current list view.
    • Clicking the Select All link in the display lists’ column header will select all travelers in the list, from all pages.
    • Clicking the Unselect All link in the display lists’ column header will de-select all travelers in the list that are shown with a check mark in the box preceding their name.
    • Using the Display sort feature to the left of the display list, allows you to change the list view to include All, only those Selected, only those Unselected, or view traveler names by alphabetical range. Changing the list view helps you to quickly review which travelers are assigned or not assigned to the Alert Profile.
    • Using the Search traveler list search field lets you quickly locate a single traveler so that you can remove or add them to the Alert Profile.
    • Using the Copy travelers from profile allows you to copy another pre-existing Alert Profile’s list of assigned travelers to this Alert Profile.

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Alert Profile new traveler handling

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