NC4 Risk Center - Organizations and Sub-organizations - Administration and Configuration

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The Administration section in the Navigation Panel is where the system administration functions are found. The functionality available in the Administration section is only available to users that have been designated as an Administrator.

There are three types of system users:

  • Root Organization Administrator – is the person(s) that has been designated as the main NC4 Risk Center Administrator. This kind of administrator has complete access to all users, groups, locations, travelers, and Sub-organizations. There is only one Root Organization Administrator per organization.
  • Sub-organization Administrators – are users with Administrator privileges. The Root Organization Administrator can define as many Sub-organization Administrators as your organization needs.
  • Full-Access, Non-Administrator user – are users without Administrator privileges. Full-Access users have access to most of the capabilities in NC4 Risk Center, including maps, reports, and other tools.
  • Alert-Only, Non-Administrator user – are users without Administrator privileges. Alert-Only users have very limited access, and can only edit alert profiles and view information about alerts they receive.

Administrators can:

  • View and edit all personal information regarding users, including name, email address, and Login ID. You are also able to change passwords and assign users to your registered locations.
  • View and edit users’ device profiles.
  • Assign Sensitivity Levels to users and locations to limit their visibility to other users.
  • Create Groups that can be assigned to alert profiles or registered locations.
  • As the Root Organization Administrator, you can create Sub-organizations so that users, profiles, and locations will not be seen by other users in other Sub-organizations. You are also able to appoint Administrator(s) to each Sub-organization.
  • As a Sub-organization Administrator, you can also create additional Sub-organization underneath your Sub-organization. Please contact the NC4 Support Center for additional direction.
  • Establish appropriate user access to alert profiles within your organization, including whether to activate/deactivate profiles and whether users are allowed to customize your existing profiles.
  • Create customized Location Reports that allow you to easily list only the locations you want to see.

Organization and Sub-organizations

What you Need to Know

Root Organization

The top-level organization for your entire NC4 Risk Center account is referred to as the Root Organization. The Root Organization Administrators have access privileges to data in the Root Organization to data in the Sub-organizations. The Root Organization Administrator can control who is part of the Root Organization Administrator group, and all of the Sub-organization Administrator groups, so delegating administrative authority is done very easily.


Large organizations with very different business units or departments may not need or want to share information about people or locations with other business units or departments. The Sub-organizations feature can be used to compartmentalize different areas of the organization, enforce security or to simply keep the system uncluttered, avoiding potentially long lists of alert profiles or locations that make administration tasks difficult. Creating Sub-organizations may also be useful for smaller organizations where a high degree of structure is required.

The Sub-organization feature enables Administrators to create Sub-organizations to completely segregate various parts of the organization, as shown in the example organization chart in Figure 15, so that users, registered locations, and alert profiles that belong to one Sub-organization will not be visible to the other Sub-organizations.

As you begin setting up your Organization and Sub-organizations, it is important to familiarize yourself with these additional terms:

  • Parent Organization is a relative term indicating the organization to which another organization belongs. In the example organization chart below, if the Root Organization Administrator for Headquarters creates the Sub-organizations Supply ChainConsulting and Science & Tech, the Parent Organization is Headquarters. If the Sub-organization Administrator for the Supply Chain division creates the Sub-organizations Foreign Ops and Domestic Ops, then the Parent Organization of these two Sub-organizations is Supply Chain.


The Root Organization is the highest-level organization and does not have a Parent.

  • Administrator refers to the Root Organization Administrator and Sub-organization Administrators alike. They have the same privileges with respect to each of the organizations they are assigned to administer. The only difference is that Sub-organization Administrators generally only have access to their own Sub-organizations, whereas Root Organization Administrator has access to their own organization, as well as all of the Sub-organizations. In the example organization chart below, the Root Organization Administrator for Headquarters has access to all the Sub-organizations information, whereas the Sub-organization Administrator for Supply Chain only has access to its two Sub-organizations Foreign Ops and Domestic Ops. 

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An example of an Organization and its Sub-organizations


Every Sub-organization has an Administrator group. Each person in this group has full administrative control only over its own Sub-organization(s). Sub-organization Administrators have no control over other Sub-organizations which they did not create, or to the Root Organization. Only the Root Organization Administrator has access to all the Sub-organizations. However, Sub-organization Administrators can create a new Sub-organization to which they will have access control. The Root-Organization Administrator will also have access to any new Sub-organizations created by Sub-organization Administrators.

In the example organization chart above, the Root Organization Administrator would be able to see and edit all information regarding Headquarters, as well as the Supply ChainConsulting and Science & Tech Sub-organizations. They would also be able to see and edit information about the Foreign Ops and Domestic Ops Sub-organizations.

Each Sub-organization Administrator will only be able to see and edit information in the Sub-organization where he/she is the Administrator. So, the Sub-organization Administrator for Consulting would only be able to see and edit the users, locations, and alert profiles in the Consulting Sub-organization. 

However, for the Supply Chain Sub-organization, in addition to seeing and having the ability to edit all information about the Supply Chain Sub-organization, this Administrator will also be able to see and edit all information about Foreign Ops and Domestic Ops since they were the one who created these Sub-organizations.

Creating Sub-organizations

From the Organization and Sub-organizations screen, select the Create a Sub-organization tab, as shown here.

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Creating Sub-organizations

The attached table describes the fields you will need to complete to create a Sub-organization.  

The geo-location feature is consistent throughout NC4 Risk Center. The instructions for geo-locating locations can be found in the article, NC4 Risk Center - Registering and Managing Locations which are the same as for geo-locating Sub-organizations. You may choose to Locate By Address or Locate By Map.

To Locate By Address, enter as much information as you know for the location as shown in the attached table.

When all the available information has been entered about the Sub-organization:

  1. Click on the Save button. A dialog box will notify you if you have not completed all of the required fields. Once your data entry is complete, the system will request your contact information in case NC4 needs to contact you about the creation of this Sub-organization (e.g., if a setting you have made may result in consequences you did not intend).
  2. Or, click on the Cancel button to close the Create a Location window without saving any changes.

Organization and Sub-organizations List

The Organization and Sub-organizations screen, as shown in following image, lists the Root Organization and all the Sub-organizations in a table format that can be easily sorted by clicking on the column headings marked with the ascending/descending sort icons.

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Organization and Sub-organizations listing


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The Root Organization is the top-most level within an organization. As such, the Root Organization will not have anything listed in the Parent Organization column. Each Sub-organization will list its higher level organization (the organization that created it) in the Parent Organization column.

Column headings include:

  • Organization – shows the Root Organization and/or the Sub-organization(s) according to your role as previously defined. The organization names are linked so that you can access the Update Organization screen by clicking on the link.
  • Parent Organization – shows the organization that created a Sub-organization(s). If this is blank, then the named organization is the Root Organization, which is the top-level organization.
  • Address, City, State, and Country – columns show address information for the organization. These four columns are sortable.
  • Updated Date – shows the last date/time that information about the organization was updated within the NC4 Risk Center system.
  • Users – contains a link to the list of Users for this specific organization.
  • Sub-orgs – contains a link to the list of Sub-organization(s) that belong to the organization shown in this row. Clicking on the link will display all of the Sub-organizations of the named organization that you have the privileges to view. The Sub-organization names are linked so that you can access the Update Organization screen by clicking on the link.
  • Groups – contains a link to your list of Groups for this specific organization.

Searching Organization and Sub-organizations

Use the Search field area in the upper left of the window shown below, to find specific organizations in a long list. The list will be shortened and redisplayed in the same column format. This feature provides rapid identification of your search term across multiple columns or data fields. The search does not just return whole words, but partial results will also display.

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Searching for specific organizations

With the search feature you can:

  • Type your search term in the blank Search field and click the Search button. The system will display all appearances of that term found in the Organization, Parent Organization, Address, City, State, and Country fields.
  • Click on any of the alpha or numeric characters. The system will find and display any results that begin with the selected letter or that start with the chosen number.
  • Click Show All to display all of your organizations and Sub-organizations.


Updating Organization Information

From the Organization and Sub-organizations list, as shown above, click the linked organization name that you want to update. The Update screen displays. The Update screen will contain the same fields as previously described for creating Sub-organizations, with the additional fields as shown in Figure 19. These additional fields are only applicable if your organization has the ActivTravel or ISA modules.

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As a reminder, you will only have access to updating information for organization(s) for which you are an Administrator. The Root Organization Administrator can update all Sub-organizations information.


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Updating Organization information

Use the attached table as reference to the types of information needed in each field. When all the available Organization information has been updated:

  1. Click on the Save button. A dialog box will notify you if you have not completed all of the required fields. Once your data entry is complete, the system will request your contact information in case NC4 needs to contact you about the creation of this Sub-organization.
  2. Or, click on the Cancel button to close the Create a Location window without saving any changes.

Deleting Sub-organizations

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Please carefully consider the impact of deleting a Sub-organization from your account.

Only Sub-organizations can be deleted by an Administrator with access privileges to the Sub-organization being deleted. The Root Organization cannot be deleted.

Please contact the NC4 Support Center to confirm whether or not a Sub-organization being deleted (or any users for within that Sub-organization) has licenses for features that could/should be assigned to another user.

The following items will be deleted or re-assigned when a Sub-organization is deleted:

  • Sub-organization
  • Users and Device Profiles
  • Locations
  • Alert Profiles and Alert Inbox
  • Groups
  • References (for select accounts only)
  • Situation Reports (for ISA accounts only)

If you wish to save your Location data or re-assign your Users to a particular organization, you will need to manually re-assign them prior to deleting the Sub-organization.

  1. From the Organization and Sub-organizations list, click the linked Sub-organization name that you want to delete. The Update screen displays.
  2. Click the Delete SubOrg button. The Delete Sub-organization confirmation screen is displayed.

You have several options from the confirmation screen:

  • Click the Delete button. A confirmation dialog box is displayed. Any Locations assigned to the Sub-organization will be automatically deleted and any Users assigned to the Sub-organization will be automatically transferred to the Parent Organization. Click OK only if you have considered the impact, taken all appropriate actions, and are sure that you want to permanently remove this Sub-organization. Contact the NC4 Support Center if you have any doubts.
  • Click the Cancel button to exit the screen and return to the Update Sub-organization screen. Click Cancel if you decide against deleting the Sub-organization or if you need to save Location data or reassign Users to another organization before deleting this Sub-organization.
  • Click the Print button to print the contents of the confirmation screen for review before making your final decision to Delete or Cancel.
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Items may be inadvertently deleted or reassigned. Incident Summary Reports, Location Reports, specially licensed features, and Custom Attribute Sets (ISA accounts only) will be permanently deleted. Also, Users, Locations, or Groups outside of this Sub-organization will no longer have access to any of these items. Please be sure to confirm with other organizations that will be affected prior to deletion.

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