NC4: Risk Center - Situation Map - ActivTravel User's Guide

The Situation Map, as previously described in the Using NC4 Risk Center section, offers enhanced display and navigation features, allowing you to search and quickly display a variety of NC4 Risk Center intelligence items.

For ActivTravel members, the Situation Map also includes a map layer for Travelers, which displays your traveler information as airplane icons on the map. The plus sign in the upper corner of the airplane icon, as shown below, indicates that there are multiple traveler itineraries being represented by the icon. Scrolling over this icon will then display the associated traveler itineraries for the location.

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Active travelers displayed on the Situation Map

All active and pending traveler locations, including manually entered custom locations and Travel Management Company (TMC) -supplied hotel locations are displayed on the Situation Map according to their actual coordinates, not the coordinates of the nearest airport as done in prior releases. Although relevancy for travel alerts has always been calculated according to actual location coordinates, prior to Release 7.3, all non-airport itinerary locations (except hotels) were mapped to the nearest airport for display on the Situation Map.

Icons on the Situation Map for non-airport and non-hotel locations are placed according to true coordinates of the nearest airport. Depending on the zoom level, these icons may be stacked to avoid cluttering the display. Zooming in will resolve stacked icons to show them at their appropriate locations.

Clicking on a single airplane icon (one without the plus sign in the corner of the icon) pops up a window that shows the number of travelers with active and/or pending itinerary events in that location, and allows you to drill down to the corresponding traveler itineraries, as shown in following image. Clicking the X Active / Y Pending link will provide a detailed list that includes the record locator, the traveler’s name and organization, as well as an envelope icon  for each traveler with a valid email address. This icon can be clicked to launch the user’s default email client with a new message addressed to the traveler.

The pop-up also has controls at the bottom that allow the user to:

  • Download as CSV data for Active and/or Pending travelers at the displayed location.
  • Email All Active and/or Pending travelers at the displayed location.


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Drilling down to traveler information from the Situation Map

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The Situation Map shows active and pending traveler destinations, and displays your travelers’ locations in the context of NC4’s incident reporting and analysis, giving you a 360° view of your travel risk exposure.

Organization Administrators (over the parent organization), will see the organization and the sub-organization’s travelers.

Expatriate Identification

Expatriate employees are clearly designated with a red house icon within the system, as shown in the first image following. If the dependents associated with the expatriate have been registered in the NC4 Risk Center system, this will be denoted, as shown in the second image following. Dependent details are available elsewhere in the system.

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Expatriate identification


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Expatriate with dependents identification

Map Layers

Using the ActivTravel Travelers map layer in combination with other map layers, as shown below, enhances situational awareness of events that have the potential of impacting your travelers.

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The number in brackets indicates the number of traveler locations shown on the layer, not the number of travelers. Each location may include destinations from multiple traveler itineraries.

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Situation Map Travelers layer

  • Search ActivTravel Locations User-added image enables you to search travelers either by airport code or traveler’s name. Clicking on the search ActivTravel Locations icon opens the window, as shown here.

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Using the search ActivTravel Locations icon tool

    • Clicking the Search By: Airport Code opens the window, as shown below. Enter the three letter airport code or begin typing an airport name into the Search for airport field. Select the airport to see a list of travelers with itineraries that include the airport code selected.

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Search by Airport Code

    • Clicking the Search By: Traveler’s Name opens the window, as shown below. Enter the traveler’s name into the Search field to obtain his/her travel itinerary, as shown in the second image below.

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Search by Traveler’s Name


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Drill down to traveler itinerary from the Situation Map


  • The yellow band on Quito, Ecuador indicates that this is a moderate risk country, and the travelers last known location or travel segment.
  • The upward facing arrow User-added image indicates this is a departing flight.
  • The downward facing arrow User-added image indicates this is an arriving flight.
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