NC4: Risk Center - Introduction - Administration and Configuration

The articles in this section are intended for those who are responsible for administering the NC4 Risk Center solution within their organization and who have the requisite administrator account privileges. This Administration and Configuration section has been structured to follow the Navigation Panel in descending order, and includes only the additional information specific for Administrators that is not found in the section, Using NC4 Risk Center.

The articles found here are to help you configure and administer NC4 Risk Center to best meet your operational requirements. An NC4 subject matter expert will assist you in the initial set-up process, and the NC4 Support Center can provide on-going assistance with any questions you may have with regards to your organization’s use of NC4 Risk Center.

If you are the designated NC4 Risk Center Administrator for your organization, please send an email to to let us know that you are the Administrator. This allows us to add you to our NC4 Risk Center Administrator contact list which helps to ensure that you receive timely information about scheduled maintenance actions, training sessions, product updates and system enhancements.

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