NC4: Risk Center - Updating and Deleting Alert Profiles - Settings

To update an Alert Profile, you must either:

  • be the creator of the profile
  • have access privileges to the profile, assigned by the NC4 Risk Center Administrator
User-added image

If the NC4 Risk Center Administrator has assigned the profile to you, then rather than truly updating the profile, you will be customizing a copy of the profile for your own use. The changes you make to your copy of the profile will not affect other users who will still be assigned to the original profile as assigned by the Administrator.


  1. From the My Profiles tab, click on the Profile Name that you want to update. The settings screen for that specific profile is displayed for update.
  2. The steps for updating Alert Profiles are the same as creating new profiles.
  3. After you have made the updates to the Alert Profile, click Save

Deleting Alert Profiles

To delete an Alert Profile, you must either:

  • be the creator of the profile
  • have access privileges to the profile, assigned by the NC4 Risk Center Administrator
  1. From the My Profiles tab, click on the Profile Name that you want to delete. The settings screen for that profile is displayed.
  2. Click the Delete button to delete the profile. A confirmation window appears, confirming that you want to proceed with the deletion.
  3. Click OK to delete the Alert Profile.
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