NC4: Risk Center - Links and Icons

NC4 Risk Center provides familiar and easy to use links and icons throughout the application, some as shown here.

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 Links and icons

  • Home will return you to the default NC4 Risk Center home page.
  • Contact NC4 link provides information on how to contact the NC4 Support Center and NIMC analysts.
  • Log-Out will log you out of NC4 Risk Center, ending your session.
  • Collapse the Navigation Panel by clicking the arrows symbol << located under Log-Out, which will increase the viewing size of the Content Panel.
  • Expand the Navigation Panel by clicking the arrows symbol >> which will redisplay the full Navigation Panel.
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The Collapse and Expand feature are also used on the Incident/Advisory Map and the Situation Map. In security operation centers where the map may be used on a large wall display, you may not want the navigational aids to appear overlaid on the map, and may wish to collapse these off of the viewing area.


  • The Navigate up arrow User-added image enables you to move up in the Navigation Panel, replacing the need for a side scrollbar.
  • The Navigate down arrow User-added image enables you to move down in the Navigation Panel, replacing the need for a side scrollbar.
  • The Lock icon User-added image locks the section either open or closed.
  • The Unlock icon User-added image enables the section panel to be freely opened and closed as the section is selected.
  • The Alert INBOX User-added image lists the relevant alerts and intel that you have received based on your Alert Profiles. Items in this inbox can be managed similar to an email inbox.
  • Reload the screen with updated content using the green Reload arrow icon .User-added image
  • To enable automatic refreshing of the content in the Content Panel, click the checkbox to the left of the Refresh Tree icon User-added image. The arrows will rotate clockwise showing that the screen refresh feature is activated.
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For security reasons, after 20 minutes of remaining idle the system will require users to re-authenticate. The Refresh Tree feature will prevent this (as will the Incident/Advisory Map, Situation Map, and Universal Console).

The Refresh Tree feature is generally enabled in security operation centers where it is vital that new incidents automatically appear every few minutes and that the system does not log out the user after 20 minutes of inactivity.

In operations where you may not desire to have new incidents automatically appear every few minutes, you may wish to uncheck the box to disable the feature. In this case, you can manually refresh the page by clicking the Incident Explorer tab.


  • Clicking the Refresh List icon User-added image will instantly refresh the screen with updated content.
  • The Sort icon User-added image appears at the head of columns on some pages. Clicking on the Sort icon will sort the information in either ascending or descending order. For example, clicking on the Sort icon for the Location column will sort the list alphabetically, in ascending order. If you click on the Sort icon a second time, the list will resort in descending alphabetic order.
  • Clicking the Help icon User-added image will open a new window with information about using the page that is being displayed in the Content Panel.
  • Clicking the minus icon User-added image will collapse the associated list. You can also use the collapse list icon, User-added image
  • Clicking the plus icon User-added image will expand the associated list. You can also use the expand list icon, User-added image
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