NC4: Risk Center - Introduction - ActivPoint User's Guide

ActivPoint™ is an add-on companion app for NC4 Risk Center that brings GPS-assisted traveler tracking and hand-held situational awareness to the NC4 Risk Center suite of tools. ActivPoint is available on iPhone and Android phones, leveraging GPS technology and key NC4 Risk Center features and content to give users highly optimized, on-the-go situational awareness.

ActivPoint delivers NC4 Risk Center content to mobile devices for as many users in your organization as needed. More importantly, ActivPoint is GPS-aware, so that alerting is targeted-based on the device’s current location. This new capability extends the power of NC4 Risk Center and puts critical information directly in the hands of mobile users.

The ActivPoint documentation is intended for those who are users or administrators of the NC4 ActivPoint solution. The ActivPoint documentation includes only the additional information specific to NC4 ActivPoint that is not found in the main NC4 Risk Center User Guide.

The purpose of this documentation is to help users understand the features found within the ActivPoint app, and administers information to configure and administer NC4 ActivPoint to best meet the your organization’s operational requirements. An NC4 subject matter expert will assist you in the initial set-up process, and the NC4 Support Center can provide on-going assistance with any questions you may have with regards to your organization’s use of NC4 ActivPoint.

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