NC4 Risk Center - Location Reports and Tools - Administration and Configuration

The article forNC4 Risk Center - Registering and Managing Locations provides detailed instructions for registering and managing location information and generating Location Reports. In addition to the Standard Reports available to all users, NC4 Risk Center Administrators can create customized Location Reports, which will appear under the Organization Reports heading on the Location Reports tab.

Customized reports can be created to display specific groups of locations, such as all locations in Asia, or all locations with HQ in the title/name. These reports can be set up and referred to repeatedly by users with specific regional responsibilities, or for other purposes.

Creating a Custom Organization Location Report

Administrators can use the Create New Report link located on the right-hand side of the Organization Reports header, as shown here, to develop custom Location Reports for their Organizations.

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Creating a Customized Organization Location Report

Clicking the Create New Report link opens the Location Report Wizard in the content panel. The instructions for creating a new Location Report are the same as editing a standard Location Report:

  1. Select the columns to be included.
  2. Order the columns.
  3. Select the sort order for the columns
  4. Select the filters to be applied to the report.

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    Throughout the process of defining the report, you can use the Run Report button to view the results of the report, which is useful for identifying additional changes before saving.

  5. Once you are satisfied that the report meets your requirements, click the Save As button. The Save Report window is displayed, as shown in following.

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Saving the Customized Organization Location Report

Type a Report Name and Description, and click on the Save button. This new report will be listed on the Location Reports screen under the Organization Reports heading. 

Editing or Deleting a Custom Organization Location Report

Administrators have two additional links on the Organization Reports screen, that are not available to other users: the Edit link and the Del (delete) link. Only Administrators can permanently delete custom Organization Reports from NC4 Risk Center.

When you click the Del link, a confirmation window displays, confirming that you want to proceed with the deletion. Clicking OK will permanently remove this custom Organization Report, and it will no longer be available.

Creating and Maintaining Location Information using the Location Maintenance Tool

Administrators have an additional tab on the Location Reports and Tools screen for Location Maintenance, as shown below. This feature enables Administrators to import locations in bulk. This can be extremely effective when registering numerous locations in the system for the first time. In addition, you can export your organization’s registered location information to an Excel spreadsheet, easily make any needed updates, and then reimport the data.

New Administrators who have no locations registered in the system can click the Get Spreadsheet button to retrieve the properly formatted spreadsheet.

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Obtaining Excel spreadsheet for preparing Location data to be imported

Administrators with locations already registered will not see the Get Spreadsheet button, but instead an Export button, as shown in the figure below. Click the Export button, to retrieve a template spreadsheet that can be used for performing maintenance on your registered locations. Imported locations must strictly follow the format of the template.

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Exporting Location data

When the data is exported to Excel, the spreadsheet contains four tabs, three containing system data, and the forth containing important instructions for importing location data into NC4.

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Please closely review the worksheet tab labeled “Please Read – Important Info” on the exported Excel spreadsheet before proceeding with making any changes to the data contained on the other worksheet tabs within the spreadsheet.

Using the Spreadsheet – Exporting

  • Rows 1 and 2 of the spreadsheet are used for the different data field names as well as additional information that should help you provide the most useful information while also avoiding errors.
  • Subsequent rows are for each location registered in the system.
  • The first column of the spreadsheet represents the action that will be performed on each row (each location) when the spreadsheet is imported or re-imported.
  • Single asterisks (*) indicate required fields. Double asterisks (**) indicate address or latitude/longitude fields. Address fields are not required if latitude/longitude values are provided in your spreadsheet. Latitude/longitude fields are not required if address values are provided. Country, Street, and City would be required (and State if a US location).
  • Add – If you enter Add into any cells of the first column, then NC4 Risk Center will attempt to add those rows as new registered locations.

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Location ID is not required when adding locations, however, it is required when importing changes to existing locations or deleting locations. Location ID is only available in export spreadsheets of your locations.

  • Change – This is the default when exporting your locations from NC4 Risk Center. If you simply intend to make changes to data for your existing locations, you can make those changes, and leave the first cell of the row as Change. When re-importing the spreadsheet, the system will update any data fields associated with a registered location based on your changes. Location ID is required when re-importing locations with changes made, so be sure to export your locations first (the ID will be included) and then import an updated spreadsheet.
  • Delete – If you enter Delete into any cells of the first column, then NC4 Risk Center will attempt to delete the location data indicated in these rows from the system. The Location ID field is required. Proper spelling of some data fields – Country, Location Type, and Status, for example – is essential for successful operation.
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Blank data fields will be imported as such. Do not clear the spreadsheet cells that you do not want to change.

To reduce the chance of error when re-importing, delete any locations (rows in the spreadsheet) that are not being changed, added, or deleted. The Location Maintenance tool only performs operations on the locations you specify, which means re-importing ONLY changed locations will not have any impact on locations already in the system that are not being changed. The same applies to deleting locations.

Using the Spreadsheet – Importing

  1. Click the Browse button to select your properly formatted spreadsheet for import, and then click the Import button. Depending upon the size of the file, it may take several minutes. When the import is finished, a summary will appear that describes the status of the changes you have made.

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Importing Location data

  • Successfully Uploaded – The number of locations added, edited, and deleted will be shown in this area, as shown above. The green and blue icons in parentheses refer to the table further down the page which includes the icon next to each location that has been added or edited. Deleted locations are also shown in the Successfully Uploaded area. The mouse icon and the hyperlink indicate that the deleted location text can be clicked to review the locations that were successfully deleted.
  • Unsuccessfully Uploaded – The number of locations that fail to upload will be displayed, as shown above. Like deleted locations described above, the failed location text can be clicked to launch a new spreadsheet that includes a list of failed locations and the reason the import failed. Recommendations for addressing failed locations can be found below. Also in the Unsuccessfully Uploaded area is a reference to any locations that were disregarded. The only time an imported location is disregarded is when no change has been detected for any of the data fields for that location. Recommendations for addressing disregarded locations can be found below.
Recommendations for addressing failed and disregarded locations
  • To address failed locations, click the hyperlink or mouse icon and a spreadsheet will launch that is formatted in a way to make it easy to correct and re-import the locations. The first column of the spreadsheet provides the Reason for Failure, and will describe what data field caused the failure. There may be other points of failure that were not caught, so check all fields carefully for any problems. Only one reason for failure can be identified at a time. Before saving the spreadsheet, delete the first column (Reason for Failure) and follow the standard important process described in the pages above. Save the corrected spreadsheet and return to NC4 Risk Center to attempt the importation of the failed locations again. If problems persist, go through the cycle of correcting the failed locations spreadsheet and re-import until all errors are fixed.

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Before re-importing, delete the first column/ Reason for Failure.

If you do not wish to correct the failed locations, you may elect to override the failed locations filter and import the locations anyway by clicking the Override button. If the failures are related to invalid entries for a certain data field, then the default setting for that particular data field will be used when overriding (e.g., if your entry for Status is invalid, it will be set to Normal). If the failure has to do with geolocation or latitude/longitude, you will have to manually resolve the geolocation problem for each location in NC4 Risk Center. This can be done by accessing each location from a Location Report and manually addressing each one.

  • To address disregarded locations, you will have to identify each manually. There is no function that will isolate these locations. NC4 recommends sorting the table of imported locations by some meaningful metric, for example Location Name. Open the spreadsheet that was imported and sort the data in the same manner. Compare the two until all disregarded locations are identified. If the total number of locations in the table and the spreadsheet are large, then a counting method may be preferred. Sort the table with a column that has a fairly even distribution of values. For example, if you are working with 100 locations from around the world, sort by Country. Count the number of rows for each country and compare that against the number of rows in the spreadsheet. If the number of disregarded locations is small, then the process of isolating them may be accomplished fairly quickly. For more complex problems or for advice with any Location Maintenance question, contact the NC4 Support Center.
Location Table for Successfully Added and Edited Locations
  • The table at the bottom of the screen summarizes all added and edited locations that were successfully uploaded. Colored icons indicate which were added and which were edited and up to 50 locations will be listed per page of the table. Key data fields for each location are visible and can be sorted to present the data in a way that is relevant to your needs. Included are View Users Assigned and Profiles Assigned fields. The View Users Assigned field will be filled with a green checkmark to indicate that the spreadsheet imported included user access privileges (both View and Update privileges). If this was not part of your spreadsheet (for one, some, or all of your locations) then you will not see a green checkbox for one or more locations in the table. The Profiles Assigned column is not based upon what was entered into the spreadsheet. Instead, it will display a green checkmark if the location has been assigned to one or more alert profiles. Newly added locations will never have a green checkmark immediately after the import process. Edited locations may have a green checkmark if they were previously assigned to at least one alert profile.
  • The Location Maintenance functionality includes useful tools to add locations to profiles and to set access privileges in bulk.
Assigning Access Privileges and Alert Profiles

After adding or changing locations through the import process, the Location Maintenance feature will help you quickly and easily assign user access privileges as a group. You will also be able to assign groups of locations to groups of alert profiles very easily.

To assign user access privileges:

  1. Click View Access Privileges and a popup box will appear. Select the users or groups you wish to give View and Update privileges to and close the box.
  2. Select the locations you wish to be assigned the selected privileges by clicking the checkbox next to each location in the table. You may have to move between multiple pages of locations if you added or changed more than fifty.
  3. After selecting the locations, click Assign and all of the locations you selected will be assigned the user privileges you selected. A green checkmark will appear in the Users Assigned column of the table for the locations you selected.

Using this process, you can quickly assign privileges to groups of locations, and in the event you are assigning different privileges to different groups of locations, you can use the green checkmarks to identify which have already been assigned, and you can sort the list of locations to arrange the locations in a way that makes it easy to assign privileges to remaining locations.

To assign locations to existing alert profiles:

  1. Click View Profiles and the panel will expand to show the alert profiles to which you have access.
  2. Select all profiles that you want to be included in your imported locations.
  3. Select the specific locations that should be assigned to the selected profiles. Selecting the checkbox in the header row of the table will place a check in all locations on the page. If you have more than one page of locations, you will have to check this box on each page.
  4. Click Assign and a green checkmark will appear in the Profiles Assigned column to indicate your request has been completed.
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