The new Situation Map integrates ActivWeather and fire data layers, which makes it possible for users to see the potential effects of developing weather systems and ongoing wildfires in the context of their facilities and other assets in the common operating picture of the Situation Map. The ActivWeather map, as shown in the following image, includes several data layers that can be turned on and off, based on your needs and preferences. Available layers include NWS Radar (CONUS), Active Fire Perimeters (CONUS), Active Hurricanes (Atlantic, Pacific, Caribbean), and NWS Warnings and Advisories (CONUS).
ActivWeather map
Map Icons
The ActivWeather map includes the following common icons:
Drawing Widget
allows the user to define a bounding area in the map using various drawing tools (point, line, rectangle, circle, triangle, polygon, freehand polygon). Editing tools allow the user to move, edit (point by point), rotate, scale, or delete drawn polygons.
Intersect Widget
allows the user to create an overlay which can be used in generating an intersect analysis report, identifying map elements overlapped by user-defined overlay polygons, e.g. facility or traveler locations within a specified radius of a particular incident or point, or ActivPoint mobile devices within established geofences. The resulting intersect report can be downloaded as a .CSV file.
Next Zoom
The Next and Previous Zoom tools allow users to toggle back and forth from previous zoom levels.
Previous Zoom
The Next and Previous Zoom tools allow users to toggle back and forth from previous zoom levels.
Refresh Zoom To Map
Each time you use a basic map function (e.g., pan, zoom in, or zoom out) the system updates the map view. For example, when you pan from one area on a map to another, the map view is updated to display the new area. When you click Refresh Zoom To Map, the display updates to the original predefined extent for this particular bookmarked map.
Refresh Base Map
When you click Refresh Base Map, the base map is reloaded from the service from which it is being pulled (i.e. Google, Bing, ESRI, etc.).
- Zoom In / Zoom Out / Full Extent / Pan Arrows - Click on the plus + sign to zoom in, the minus - sign to zoom out and the globe to zoom to full extent. Move the map to the east, west, north and south using the arrows.
Map Tools for Zoom In / Zoom Out / Full Extent / Pan Arrows
The data layers panel can be collapsed to expand the map view by using the collapse/expand buttons that are indicated to the left of the label for Data Layers.
Using the ActivWeather Map
- To select data layers you wish to have displayed on your map, check or uncheck applicable boxes in the Data Layers menu frame at left.
- To change the map that is displayed (i.e. changing from U.S. to DC Metro, etc.), select from the bookmarks listed in the Zoom To, drop-down list.
- To change the base map you wish to have displayed (i.e. changing from street level to terrain, etc.), select from the options listed in the Base Map, drop-down list.
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