NC4: Risk Center - Device Profile Settings - Administration and Configuration

The Settings section of the Navigation Panel provides users with the tools to manage their personal information, as well as Alert and Device Profiles. As the Administrator, you will be able to create and manage alert profiles for other users. Information for managing traveler profiles is provided in the NC4 Risk Center - Employee Management - ActivTravel User's Guide section and information for managing ActivPoint™ profiles and settings is provided in the NC4 Risk Center - Available Settings within the App - ActivPoint User's Guide section.

Instructions found in the Using NC4 Risk Center section, in the article titled, NC4 Risk Center - Device Profiles - Settings provides instructions which are the same for Administrators as it is for Users, with the exception of having the additional capabilities of:

  • On the Organization Devices tab, Administrators can manage the Device Profiles for others within their organization. This can be useful when managing devices for executives or other members of your organization.

User-added image
Managing Device Profiles for other members in your organization

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