NC4: Risk Center - Device Profiles - Settings

Device Profiles allow you to designate the devices to which NC4 alerts will be delivered. NC4 Risk Center uses alerts, notifications, and comments to enable the communication of information and intelligence. How you receive this information is based on your settings made in the Device Profiles, as shown below.

  • Alerts: Alerts are triggered based on the Alert Profiles that you have created. You and other members of your team (as specified by you) will receive alerts on the devices that are identified in the Device Profile.
  • Notifications: Notifications are non-intelligence administrative messages that may be sent under certain circumstances (changes to a registered location, profile errors, etc.).  

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Device Profiles

Setting and Updating Your Alert Delivery Devices

  1. Select the tab for Devices, as shown above. You can use up to four devices to receive alerts, notifications, and comments.

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    Although a single point of contact is efficient, consider whether it is appropriate to have alerts sent to at least two devices. This redundancy allows for back-up communication of what might be vital information to your organization and locations during a crisis. You may also want to specify that some alerts (such as those of higher severity level) be sent to a cell phone or other portable communication device.

  2. Enter the Device information as follows to receive:
    • Email: Enter your complete email address, and select either Email - Text or Email - HTML from the Device Type drop-down list. You do not need to indicate a Service Provider.
      • Text Message: For US (and most Canadian) cell phones, enter your ten-digit phone number, and select Text Message from the Device Type drop-down list.  Select your wireless service provider from the drop-down list to automatically add the appropriate domain name. If your provider is not included, please feel free to contact NC4 Support for additional assistance!

        In addition, many Canadian cellphone providers are not included in the drop-down list.  The following table includes some of the more common Canadian providers, and their appropriate domain names.

        Mobile Carrier SMS Gateway Domain
        Bell Canada
        Bell MTS
        Fido Solutions
        Freedom Mobile
        Koodo Mobile
        PC Mobile
        Rogers Communications

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        If a required wireless provider is not listed, you may manually type the domain name after the phone number. Contact NC4 Support to report the missing provider.

        NC4 alerts are sent as an email to your service provider. Depending on your service provider, the alert email message may be split to accommodate the service provider’s text message character limitations, and delivered as a set of text messages to your device. The text message set may also appear as coming from different phone numbers.

        For more information on other international texting options, please see the International Text Messaging section below.

  3. Click the Test button to send a test to the device to ensure that it is receiving alerts from NC4. A pop-up window displays, asking you to confirm the send.
  4. Click Send.
  5. Repeat steps #3 and #4 for each device entered to ensure that all the devices are receiving alerts.

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    Ongoing maintenance of your device profiles follows the same instructions provided here for setting them up. Device profile information can be updated at any time.

International Text Messaging

For Risk Center users outside the United States who would like to receive alerts via text message, there are some additional options to ensure alert notifications are received.  In order to make use of these device types, your account will need to be provisioned for them - so please contact your Account Manager if your organization needs to make use of these features.  These options are as follows:

  • Text Message - Canada:Please note that the standard Text Message device type will work for most Canadian Customers.  This feature should only be used for Canadian customers who are having difficulty receiving standard Text Message
  • alerts. Select 'Text Message - Canada' as a device type, and enter your ten-digit phone number, without any country code or non-numeric characters
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  • Text Message - India: Simply select the 'Text Message - India' device type, and then enter the mobile number including India's country code (91), with no non-numeric characters. User-added image
  • Text Message - International: For users in any countries besides the United States, Canada, and India, this is the device type to select for Text Message notification delivery.  Enter the full international mobile number including country code. User-added image

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Please be aware that the Text Message - International device type should never be used for any users within the United States, Canada, or India.

Using ActivMobile

The ActivMobile feature provides a map-based view of incidents in context to your assets, facilities and/or travelers, as shown here. It is easily launched on a smart phone from the Launch ActivMobile Map link provided within the NC4 alert.

If your organization uses NC4 Risk Center’s ActivTravel feature, your organizations ActivTravel alerts will include a link to the ActivMobile map.

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ActivMobile and ActivMobile - Enhanced

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The link to the ActivMobile map can also be launched into a browser from a desktop or laptop computer.

If your organization uses the ActivMobile feature, you will need to define this as a device in your Device Profile settings, as shown below. There are four options for ActivMobile:

  • ActivMobile - Text: Enter your complete email address. Incident alert emails will be sent formatted as plain text, and will include a URL that the user can click to launch the ActivMobile Map. Depending on the user’s email client software, it may be necessary to copy and paste the ActivMobile URL into a browser.
  • ActivMobile - HTML: Enter your complete email address. Incident alert emails will be sent formatted as HTML, and will include a hyperlink that the user can click to launch the ActivMobile Map.
  • ActivMobile - HTML - alt: This option has been optimized to provide a better viewing experience of the map for users that have altered their device’s font size to be larger.
  • ActivMobile - HTML - Enhanced: This option is largely the same as the ActivMobile - HTML device type; however, it includes a new, enhanced map format.

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Selecting ActivMobile in your device profiles

Compact SMS

Compact SMS is not itself a device type, but rather a setting that affects all "Text Message" device types for your organization (including the international text messaging options). Compact SMS delivery ensures that the text message notification comes through as a short, single message with the relevant details.  There is also an embedded Enhanced ActivMobile link, which allows you to quickly get more information if it is required.  Please reach out to your Account Manager if you would like to have Compact SMS text messaging set up for your organization.

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Compact SMS

Alert Delivery Devices Relevancy Settings

The Severity tab lets you associate incident Severity Levels with each of the alert devices that you have identified, as shown in the below image. Check or uncheck the appropriate Severity Levels of the alerts you wish to receive on each device, and then click Save.

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Every box for every device entered is checked by default.


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Device Profile Severity Levels

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You may want to establish a secondary weekend-only device that is set to receive Severe and Extreme incidents (perhaps by text message) when you are away from the office.


Other Alert Types Sent to your Devices

The Other Alert Types tab is used to select the device(s) you wish to receive notifications about changes to Location data, ActivWeather alerts, or system error messages, as shown below. Other alert types may also include Other Intel, Global Intelligence Relay, ActivTravel, ActivWeather, Global Intelligence Relay, Location / Document or Error Messages. Not all of these options are available in all Risk Center packages. Check / uncheck the boxes desired, and then click Save.

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Every box for every device entered is checked by default.

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Other Alert Types sent to your devices


CAP (Common Alerting Protocol) is an XML-based device type which allows users to access Risk Center content as a data feed that can be imported into an organization's dashboard or visual display.  Please reach out to your organization's Account Manager if you would like additional information on setting up this feature for your organization.

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