NC4 Risk Center - Real-time Incidents and Global Flashpoints - ActivPoint User's Guide

ActivPoint puts timely, targeted NC4 Risk Center content directly into the hands of users in the field, as shown here.

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ActivPoint incident display

ActivPoint users have access to real-time incidents and Global Flashpoints, sorted for convenience into four content drawers, as shown below. The content drawers include:

  • Active Alerts – All open incidents currently within the user’s defined alerting proximity perimeters.
  • Recent Alerts – All incidents that have triggered personal proximity alerts within the past 3 days. This can include nearby incidents that are no longer open as well as currently open incidents that are no longer within the user’s defined alerting perimeters. It does not include any active alerts.
  • Worldwide Incidents – All currently open incidents, worldwide.
  • Recent Incidents – All incidents closed within the past 24 hours.

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Content Drawers

Viewport History / Back Button on ActivPoint Map

The incident detail panel now includes a button to jump back to the previous view. This allows you to browse through multiple items from a high-level point of view, drill down to view details, and return to your previous view without losing track of the larger context. The images that follow illustrate how to move back and forth between views.

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Tap incident icon

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Tap zoom-back icon

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Map reverts to zoom level prior to tapping incident icon

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