NC4 Risk Center - Organization Profile Settings - Administration and Configuration

The Settings section of the Navigation Panel provides users with the tools to manage their personal information, as well as Alert and Device Profiles. As the Administrator, you will be able to create and manage alert profiles for other users. Information for managing traveler profiles is provided in the ActivTravel section and information for managing ActivPoint™ profiles and settings is provided in the ActivPoint section.

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Alert Profiles

Creating Administrator Profiles for Real-time Intel is similar to the instructions previously described for creating Administrator Profiles for Global Flashpoints, Country Reports, and Global Insights analysis.

  • Organization Administrators will see all the profiles for the organizations that they have administrative rights to, regardless of who created or updated them.
  • The My Profiles tab shows the profiles that are assigned to the administrative user, regardless of the user’s status as an administrator, or who created the profile. 

Creating Profiles

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Creating Administrator Alert Profiles for Real-time Incidents

  1. Complete the fields on the Overall Settings tab, as shown above.
  2. Enter an appropriate Profile Name.
  3. Enter a Short Description of the profile that will clarify its specific purpose.

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    It is advisable to include locations or regions, incident categories, and severities that the profile is meant to cover within the description, as this will help you locate the profile later if you want to update it.

  4. Select the appropriate Organization from the drop-down list. If Sub-organizations have been defined, then multiple selections will be visible here. Selecting a Sub-organization will restrict which users and groups are available to be assigned to the profile (i.e., only those who are part of that Sub-organization).
  5. The system defaults the Profile Category to Admin Profile. This is system-driven based on your User ID, and cannot be altered.
  6. Click on the appropriate Send Notifications for radio button.
  7. Click on the appropriate Profile Type radio button.
    • Location – use this Profile Type if you are creating an Organization Profile for a building, site, or other location (a single point in space). You can specify the incidents you receive alerts for based on the distance from your location and the severity level.
    • Region – use this Profile Type if you are creating an Organization Profile for an entire region. You will receive an alert based on whether an incident is taking place in the region or not. The distance from your location will not be calculated
  8. Select the appropriate Member Access radio button.
    • No Access users cannot read or customize this profile.
    • Read Only users can see the profile, but no one can change it, except for (you) the Administrator.
    • Read and Customize users can see the profile and change it to meet their needs.

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      Read and Customize profiles are actually templates, so when users change it, in reality they are copying the profile and editing the copy to create a new version. Your original profile remains unchanged.

  9. Click on the appropriate Profile Activation radio button.
    • Activate – indicates that the profile is active and will trigger alerts to the users and/or groups assigned to the profile based on the criteria specified.
    • Deactivate – indicates the profile is inactive and will not trigger any alerts. You may choose to deactivate a profile while you are setting it up or making changes so that no alerts are sent until you are ready.
    • Schedule – indicates the profile is only activated for the time period specified in the Activation Date and Expiration Date fields. These fields are inaccessible (as gray background text) until the Schedule radio button is selected. Select the Activation and Expiration dates for the profile by clicking the calendar boxes. The profile will become active and will expire at 12:00am/midnight on the day entered. While the profile is in the scheduled state, the Scheduled Profile icon is displayed. When the Expiration Date is reached, the profile will automatically switch to Deactivated and display the Deactivated icon. However, the last Activation and Expiration Dates will remain for your reference until the profile is rescheduled.

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      Whether a profile is activated or deactivated will determine whether you see your registered location(s) on the Impact Map for a given incident.

  10. Check all of the appropriate Incident Categories from the list. For Real-time Incidents, further granularity can be added by selecting the specific type(s) within each incident category.

Location-Based Organization Profiles

When Location is selected for Profile Type on the Overall Settings tab, the system will automatically display your registered locations on the Location/Region tab. You can select and associate any or all of your registered locations to the profile by placing a check in the box in front of the Location Name.

You will need to complete the following fields on the Location/Region tab to create a new Location-based Organization Profile: 

  1. Determine the area (in miles) around the location(s) that you want to monitor.
  2. Enter the distances into each of the Severity Level fields provided. Any incident that falls within this defined perimeter, and also meets your other profile criteria, will trigger an alert. With your location as the virtual epicenter, you can enter any distance in miles, including decimals, such as .25.
  3. Or, you can use the Preset Values by clicking on Tight PerimeterMedium Perimeter, or Wide Perimeter to automatically fill the Severity fields.

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    The default value is for the Medium Perimeter.

  4. Place a check in the box in front of the locations that you want to include in the new Organization Profile. You can select all of the locations listed by checking the top box in the column heading.

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    You must select at least one location from the list.

  5. Select if you would like to enable Proximity Warnings and/or Global Intelligence Relay Only.

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Enabling proximity warnings will place a flashing proximity warning icon around the location(s) on the Situation Map, when an incident triggers this Alert Profile.

Proximity warnings for a location will be seen by all users who have access privileges for that location.


Searching Locations

If you have numerous registered locations in the system, the list of locations presented here may be lengthy. Using the New Search feature enables you to quickly find the locations you want to include in your new Alert Profile. It enables you to search for a location based on a set of search criteria that you define.

  1. Click on the New Search button. The Search Criteria fields are displayed for your data entry.
  2. Select the Field to sort by, then select an appropriate Operator, and indicate a Value. Complete as many rows as needed to refine the search.




    The default value, use for an exact match of the value you enter. Example:  “State equals CA”.

    not equal

    Use to show records that do not have the value you enter.

    less than

    Use for results that are less than the value you enter. Example:  “Status less than Severe” returns records where the Status field ranges from Normal to Moderate.

    greater than

    Use for results that exceed the value you enter. Example: “Status greater than Normal” returns records where the Status ranges from Threat to Severe.

    less or equal

    Use for results that match or are less than the value you enter.

    greater or equal

    Use for results that match or exceed the value you enter.


    Use to find records that include your search string, but might also include other information. Example:  “Location Name contains systems” would find Technical Systems, Systems Management, and Computer Systems.

    does not contain

    Use to eliminate records that do not have the value you enter. Example:  "Address” does not contain “PO Box".

    starts with

    Use when you know what your value starts with, but not the exact text. This is a narrower search term than “contains”. Example:  If you enter "Location Name starts with Bldg" you will find Bldg 1, Bldg 2, and Bldg 3, but not State Bldg or Maintenance Bldg.

    is empty

    Use this filter operator to find empty fields. Example:  "City empty”.

    is not empty

    Use this filter operator to eliminate empty fields. Example:  "City not empty".


    Use this filter operator to find numbers that fall between two numbers. This operator can be used for postal, latitude and longitude numbers.

  3. Click the Search button to display the results. Select the locations that you want to include in your new location Alert Profile.

Region-Based Organization Profiles

When Region is selected for Profile Type on the Overall Settings tab, the system will display a screen for selecting the Severity Level and various types of Regions. You will need to complete the following fields on the Location/Region tab to create a new Region-based profile:

  1. Select the Severity levels for the alerts you want to receive, by checking/unchecking the box.
  2. Make selections from the RegionCountryState and/or County drop-down fields by highlighting the selection, and right clicking it, which adds it to the Selected Region(s), Country(ies), State(s) and/or County(ies) list box.

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    Select as many Region(s), Country(ies), State(s) and/or County(ies) as you need by returning to the drop-down list, making another selection, and right clicking it.

  3. Confirm that the entries in the list box are accurate. Highlight any inaccurate entries and click on the Remove button to remove them from the list box.

Associating Users and/or Groups to Organization Profiles


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You must assign at least one User or Group to an Alert Profile, unless Proximity Alert Only or Global Intel Relay only is selected, in which case users/groups are not necessary.

  1. Click on the tab, Users/Groups, as shown in Figure 12, and select the Groups and/or individual users who you would like to assign to the profile. To select Individuals, highlight Available individuals from the box on the left and click the Add button to add them to the Selected box on the right.
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    Assigning Users and/or Groups to an Administrator Alert Profile
  2. To remove Individuals, highlight Selected individuals in the box on the right and click the Remove button.
  3. Click Save when you have completed your entries on the Overall SettingsLocation/Region and Users/Groups tabs.

Creating Other Intel Organization Profiles

The basic steps for creating Organization Profiles for Other Intel are similar to creating User Profiles for Other Intel, which can be found in the main NC4 Risk Center User Guide. As an Administrator, the only additional information you will need to provide are the Users/Groups, as discussed above, that will be assigned to the Other Intel Organizational Profile.

Creating ActivWeather Organization Profiles

The basic steps for creating Organization Profiles for ActivWeather are similar to creating User Profiles for ActivWeather, which can be found in the main NC4 Risk Center User Guide. As an Administrator, the only additional information you will need to provide are the Users/Groups, as discussed above, that will be assigned to the ActivWeather Organizational Profile.

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