NC4: Risk Center - Location Reports

The Location Reports tab, as shown below, displays all of your available Location Reports. Under the Standard Reports heading, there are a variety of predefined reports for your use.

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NC4 Risk Center Administrators can create customized reports, which will appear under the Organization Reports heading. If you are an Administrator, please refer to the article on Location Reports and Tools for NC4 Risk Center - Location Reports and Tools - Administration and Configuration.


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Location Reports

All users have view-only access privileges to the Standard Reports. The Standard Reports cannot be altered. However, you can sort, filter and reorganize how the information is presented in the report, as well as print to a PDF file, or export to an Excel spreadsheet.

The Standard Reports include:

  • All Locations – lists all locations visible to you (based on your assigned user privileges).
  • Location Sensitivity Report – lists your locations based on the assigned sensitivity level.
  • Location Status Report – lists your locations by their current status.
  • Location Type Report – lists the locations by their designated location type.
  • Non-US Locations – lists all of your locations outside of the United States.
  • U.S. Locations – lists all of your locations within the United States.

Viewing Location Reports

Click on the Standard Report that you want to view, such as All Locations. The report listing all of your locations, as shown here, is displayed.

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All Locations Report

Sorting Information for Viewing

All Location Reports, whether Standard Reports or custom Organization Reports, are displayed in a table format. The information can be sorted by simply clicking on the column headings marked with the ascending/descending sort icons.

Editing a Location Report

Within an existing standard Location Report, you can modify the columns to be displayed, their order, as well as sorting and filtering parameters to make the report more meaningful to your needs.

  • The Edit icon User-added image appears in the top right corner of each report.
  • When you click on the Edit icon, the Location Report Wizard displays. Use the wizard to make modifications to the Location Report. The wizard includes four steps:

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You may want to limit your field selections to ensure that they are visible in your screen page layout. Including several fields may result in the need to scroll the window horizontally to view fields.


  1. In step 1, you Select Columns, as shown here, that you would like shown in the report. Click the checkbox for each of the Location Information fields that you want to include as columns on your report. You can use the Select All Columns and Deselect All Columns links, if appropriate. At any time, you can click Run Report to view the report, and determine if any further adjustments are needed. Once you are content with the selected columns, click Next.

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    Selecting the columns to be shown on Location Report

  2. In step 2, you Order Columns by highlighting the fields shown under the Selected Columns heading and using the top, up, down and bottom arrows, as shown here, to reorganize the placement of the fields on the report. The selections you make here determine the order of the horizontal column headings on your final report. At any time, you can click Run Report to view the report, and determine if any further adjustments are needed. Once you are content with the placement of the selected columns, click Next.

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    Selecting the column placement to be shown on Location Report

  3. In Step 3, Select Sort Order, as shown, by using the drop-down fields and making changes as needed to affect how the report information is sorted. At any time, you can click Run Report to view the report, and determine if any further adjustments are needed. Once you are content with the sort order, click Next.

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    Selecting the sorting order to be shown on Location Report

  4. Step 4, Select Filter Criteria, allows you to select filtering parameters that will be applied to the report. Using the fields provided, FieldOperator, and Value, as shown here, make selections from the drop-down list to fine-tune what information gets pulled into the report. Additional descriptions for the Operator field are found in the table that follows. At any time, you can click Run Report to view the report, and determine if any further adjustments are needed.

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    Selecting the filter criteria for the Location Report




    The default value, use for an exact match of the value you enter. Example:  “State equals CA”.

    not equal

    Use to show records that do not have the value you enter.

    less than

    Use for results that are less than the value you enter. Example:  “Status less than Severe” returns records where the Status field ranges from Normal to Moderate.

    greater than

    Use for results that exceed the value you enter. Example: “Status greater than Normal” returns records where the Status ranges from Threat to Severe.

    less or equal

    Use for results that match or are less than the value you enter.

    greater or equal

    Use for results that match or exceed the value you enter.


    Use to find records that include your search string, but might also include other information. Example:  “Location Name contains systems” would find Technical Systems, Systems Management, and Computer Systems.

    does not contain

    Use to eliminate records that do not have the value you enter. Example:  "Address” does not contain “PO Box".

    starts with

    Use when you know what your value starts with, but not the exact text. This is a narrower search term than “contains”. Example:  If you enter "Location Name starts with Bldg" you will find Bldg 1, Bldg 2, and Bldg 3, but not State Bldg or Maintenance Bldg.

    is empty

    Use this filter operator to find empty fields. Example:  "City empty”.

    is not empty

    Use this filter operator to eliminate empty fields. Example:  "City not empty".


    Use this filter operator to find numbers that fall between two numbers. This operator can be used for postal, latitude and longitude numbers.


    Tips for filtering using the Operator

    • To filter by more than one value for a single field, enter your search terms (separated by commas). You can enter up to 80 characters, including the commas. For example, to search for Locations in California, New York, or Washington, use State in the Field, contains as the Operator, and CA, NY, WA as the Value.
    • Each of the values entered for a single field will be treated in an OR fashion. In the example above, this means that any registered locations in California OR New York OR Washington will be listed in the report.
    • Each Field you add will be treated in an AND fashion. This means if you specify more than one Field in the sorting parameters, the result will include only records that match all of the criteria.
    • When determining the values to enter, it is recommended that you use predefined selections whenever possible. Click the lookup dialog box, signified by the green magnifying glass icon next to the Value field. This will guide you in making selections and help to avoid errors. Check the boxes which reflect your selections and click Insert Selected. The lookup dialog lists the acceptable values for that specific field. Use either the equals or not equal to operators for these filters.

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      The lookup dialog box is not available for all Fields.

  5. Once you are content with the modifications, click Run Report.

  6. Click the PDF icon to print the file to PDF, or export to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Excel icon.

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    Customizing a Location Report may require running it several times until you are satisfied with the report parameters and field sorting. During the process, if you are not satisfied with your entries on a screen, click the Cancel button to clear all the fields and begin again.

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