NC4: Risk Center - Using the Incident Explorer

The Incident Explorer, as shown below, enables you to see the active incidents in list fashion. It displays incident information, which can be sorted in several ways and cross-sorted by regions and/or countries. Sort parameters include:

  • by Incident Date
  • by Location
  • by Log Date
  • Advisory by Date
  • All by Log DateClosed by Date
  • Archived by Date
  • by Severity

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Real-time Incident Explorer

Other Incident-Related Information and Icons

In addition to the Category, Severity Level and Quality Level icons, the following icons are also used to visually and quickly relay information on the Incident Explorer screen:

 User-added image  Attachment – when an incident includes attached documents or URL links, the paper clip icon will display. Clicking on the paper clip icon will open a new window used to display and access the attachment or URL.

 User-added image  Comments – when comments have been made about an incident by a user in your organization, the note icon appears to the right of the Attachments column and provides a link to view the comments. If comments have associated attachments, an image of a paper clip appears across the note icon . Any comments you make to an incident are only accessible within your own organization.

User-added image Impact Summary – the Impact Summary icon provides a link to the Impact Map, which shows the proximity of your locations to an incident (if the incident triggered one of your Alert Profiles).

Sorting Incidents for Viewing

Active incidents can be sorted in several ways and cross-sorted by Regions and/or Countries for viewing in the Incident Explorer. Sort parameters include:

  • by Incident Date –sorts information according to the date/time the incident actually occurred (generally earlier than the Log Date)
  • by Location –sorts information alphabetically by State/Province (when only a single country is shown), or by Country and then State/Province (when incidents from multiple countries are shown)
  • by Log Date –sorts information according to the date/time the incident was last updated by the analyst. This is the default view unless the Preferences have been set otherwise.
  • by Advisory Date – sorts information according to the effective date/time of the advisory
  • by Closed Date –sorts information according to the date/time the incident was closed
  • by Archived Date – sorts information according to the date/time the incident was archived 
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The system sorts incidents by date/time, except for when sorted using the by Location option.

Select the appropriate View option from the drop-down list, as shown here. The incidents redisplay based on your selection.

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Sorting incidents for viewing

Region/Country Sorting

In the second drop-down list, as shown following, you can select from the Regions and Countries listed to sort the incidents displayed on the Incident Explorer. United States is the default unless Preferences have been set, as described below.

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Sorting incidents by Region/Country

If you prefer to display all incidents except the Region/Country you have selected, check the Invert Region/Country box as shown following. By selecting “United States” and checking the Invert Region/Country box, all non-U.S. incidents will be displayed in the Incident Explorer.

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Invert Region/Country sort option

Changing the Default View

To change the default View, click on the Preferences link at the bottom of the View column.

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Changing the view preferences default

  1. Select your View preference from the drop-down list.
  2. Select a preferred Region or Country from the next drop-down list (United States is the default).
  3. Click to:
    • Save your new View preferences based on the criteria selected. Upon saving, click the Incident Explorer tab to display the Incident Explorer using the new preferences.
    • View your new View preferences based on the criteria selected. This will not save the selected preferences.
    • None will reset the View preferences back to the default by Log Date setting for the View field and United States for the Region/Country field.

Viewing Incident Details

You can access more detailed information from the Incident Explorer screen, as shown here, by either:

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Accessing more detailed incident information

  1. Clicking on an individual incident from the incidents listed to display the Incident Detail screen.
  2. Clicking on an incident hyperlink to display the Incident Detail screen.

From the Incident Detail screen, as shown here, you can forward incident details using your default email client or add online comments to the incident.

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Incident detail screen

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This feature is incompatible with some email clients.

Forwarding Incident Details
  1. From the Incident Detail screen, click the Forward button. An email is generated with the Subject and body of the email automatically completed.
  2. Check the email contents for accuracy and to be sure that it is the information you want to forward.
  3. Add appropriate “To:” and “Cc:” distribution information.
  4. Add any additional notes in the body of the email, if appropriate.
  5. Click Send to notify your recipients of the incident information by email.
Adding Comments and Attachments To Incident Details
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Any comments and attachments you associate with an incident are only accessible within your own organization. Once a comment or attachment is entered into NC4 Risk Center, it cannot be deleted.

  1. From the Incident Detail screen, click the Comment button. The Additional Comments/Info screen is displayed as shown.

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    Adding comments and attachments to an incident and setting access privileges
  2. Enter your comments in the Additional Comments text box.

  3. After adding comments to an incident, you may also add Attachments/Links. Click on one of the Attachments/Links radio buttons, then click Save.

    • PROMPT about Attachments/Links (the default setting) – after a comment is added, a confirmation window appears asking whether you want to open the Attachment Manager. Click OK to access the Attachment Manager window. From this window you can browse and save a file attachment or web link, or create a new file or link.
    • YES, I do have Attachments/Links – this option immediately accesses the Attachment Manager window, where you can browse and save a file attachment or web link, or create a new file or link.
    • NO, I do not have Attachments/Links – use this option if you do not have any attachments or links.

The Attachment Manager, as shown below, is used to add attachments (files or web links) to your incident comments. From this window you can browse and save a file attachment/web link or create a new file/link.

  1. To create a new file or link from the Attachment Manager window, click on the Create Attachment icon. A data entry window is displayed to upload your input as shown here.

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    Attachment Manager window

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    Uploading attachments to an incident
  2. Enter a brief Reference Label then select to add either Filename or Web Link.

  3. For a file, click the Browse button to select a file from your computer system.

  4. For a Web Link, enter or paste a web link into the field provided. You can use the Preview button to verify the link before uploading it.

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    If you make a mistake and want to delete all of your field entries in this window and start over, click the Clear button.

  5. Click the Upload button. The Upload Status area will let you know when the file or web link has been successfully uploaded.

  6. Click on Close to save the file or link and return to the Attachment Manager screen.  

  7. To set Access Privileges to control who can read the Additional Comments/Info about an incident, click on Set Access Privileges at the bottom of the Incident Detail screen.

  8. Select the appropriate sensitivity level.

  9. Add the appropriate Available Group(s) and/or Available Member(s) by selecting the group or member name and clicking the single right-facing arrow. The selection(s) will be moved into the Selected box(es). Clicking the double arrow will select and move all those listed into the opposite box. Your organization(s) will be listed under the Available Group(s) heading.

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    Entries can be sorted by either First Name or Last Name.

  10. Click Close to save the access privileges and return to the Additional Comments/Info screen.

Comments that have been added to an incident are accessible by clicking on the Note icon from the Incident Explorer screen, as shown here.

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Accessing comments that have been added to incidents

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