Everbridge CEM: March 2023 Release Notes

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What's New in Mass Notification Platform

All features listed in this section are accessible in all products unless otherwise noted for a feature.

Provisioning API Access

Account and Organization Administrators can now grant API access to users from the UI, from the API, or via upload instead of contacting Technical Support. 

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This feature is available at no additional cost. API Access is disabled by default for all new users. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Contact Upload Header Mapping​

Account and Organization Administrators can now map contact file upload headers from Everbridge to their own custom headers, saving time by no longer needing to modify a file coming from a third-party system prior to uploading it.

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This upgrade comes at no additional cost and won't impact any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Contacts PATCH API

API developers will now be able to make a partial update to their contacts using the new Contacts PATCH API, preventing API developers from having to pass the entire Contacts object when making a change to a contact.

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This feature comes at no additional cost and won't impact any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Deactivate or Activate Member Portal

Account and Organization Administrators will be able to disable their Member Portal from anyone who still has its link, providing additional protection of their data from unwanted users.

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This feature comes at no additional cost and won't impact any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Data Privacy Policy 

The Data Privacy Policy feature is a more granular control built on top of our current role-based access control (RBAC) framework. It provides Organization Administrators the capability to define and configure specific data protection rules to control view/edit permission on different sections of contact data across the Manager Portal.

In Phase One, Privacy Policy rules can only be applied to the Group Manager role.

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This feature is available for free and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Multifactor Authentication

Account Administrators can enable or disable Multifactor Authentication for Manager Portal normal logins for all users under the account. Email OTP (One-time Password) or Mobile App authenticator can be chosen as the MFA method.

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This feature comes at no additional cost and won't impact any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Configure Multiple Web Widgets​

Organizations can now configure up to five different Web Widgets to use as publishing options for Incidents and Notifications. 

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This feature is available for free, but the "Everbridge Web Widget Premium" checkbox must be enabled by Technical Support by request. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Switch Templates to New Rich Text Format Editor​

Customers who've previously used templates containing rich text format (RTF) content using the previous RTF editor can now easily transition their templates to the new RTF editor in a single step. This should save significant time that would otherwise be spent manually updating them one by one. 

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Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Retain RTF Content from Previous Incidents and Notifications​

Users will now be able to include the content from the previous message in a Follow-Up or Update to the Incident or Notification. Message content from the previous Notification or Incident can be included for the following type of updates:​
  • Send Update/Close to Incident​
  • Send Follow Up to Notification in an Incident​
  • Send Follow Up to Notifications (in standalone Notifications)​
  • Send Follow Up to an Incident Notification within a Scenario

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This feature comes at no additional cost and won't impact any preexisting settings. It needs to be enabled under Settings > Notifications > Default Options

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Notification Review

Users can now review the content and target contacts of a Notification prior to launch. This is can be enabled in Organizations Settings > Notifications > Default Settings.

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Administrators can also configure “Review” as a mandatory step for launch in both the Account and Organization Settings to ensure that dispatchers review the content for completeness and accuracy.

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This feature comes at no additional cost and won't impact any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Reopen Incidents

Users can now reopen closed Incidents up to 90 days after closure. Incidents can be closed and reopened multiple times based on the closure date, including Incidents created in Simulation Mode. 

The ability to reopen Incidents is controlled by permissions and is available for Account Administrators, Organization Administrators, Incident Administrators, and Incident Operators. 

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This feature comes at no additional cost and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Asset Encryption

Customers will be able to enable encryption for asset upload.  It works the same as encryption for contacts.  The same encryption key can be used for both contact and asset upload.  Customers can choose if they want to encrypt Contacts, Assets, both, or none.

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This feature comes at no additional cost and won't impact any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Retain Geocoding Value During Contact Upload

When uploading Contacts, if a geocoding value exists for any contact in the upload, it will now be retained until the geocoding process has been completed. This will ensure that users can select Contacts from the Universe while they are being geocoded without having to wait for the geocoding to complete.

This enhancement is available at no additional cost. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Use Alphanumeric SMS Sender ID with Confirmation Request​

Users can now send an Incident or Notification with confirmation enabled while also using your Organization-configured alphanumeric SMS sender IDs. SMS messages sent with this combination will instruct recipients to use a web link to confirm receipt of the message. They will no longer contain instructions about replying with “YES”. 

This allows SMS recipients to confirm receipt of your Notification.​even if their carrier alters the Everbridge default numeric sender ID, hence rendering the message incapable of being responded to. 

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This feature is available at no additional cost and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

What's New in Crisis Management

Edit Critical Event Comments and Notes

Users can now edit or delete comments and notes they've left on a Critical Event, while Account and Organization Administrators can also edit the comments and notes left by their colleagues. 

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This feature is free for all Crisis Management customers and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Live or Draft Form Status

A new Status column has been added to the Form Library to help users quickly identify if a Form is in a draft or live state. This also allows for filtering Forms by status, which will save valuable time and reduce the possibility of mistakes. 

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This feature is free for all Crisis Management customers and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Shortened Submission ID

The Form Submission ID has been shortened to enhance the communicability between colleagues and reduce the potential for errors found in longer IDs. 

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This feature is free for all Crisis Management customers and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Shortened Task List ID

Task List IDs have been shortened to improve ease of use and shareability. 

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This feature is free for all Crisis Management customers and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Form Library Folder

Users can now view a Form within the folder structure, aligning with the same functionality found in other areas of Everbridge Suite. 

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This feature is free for all Crisis Management customers and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Lock Task Order

Administrators can now lock the order of Tasks within a Tasks List, preventing any accidental rearrangements by other users. 

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This feature is free for all Crisis Management customers and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

Tracker Flag Preset

Users can now configure the Tracker permissions in advance from the Organization Settings rather than having the operator set them on the fly when handling a Critical Event, reducing the margin of error and time spent in urgent situations. 

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This feature is free for all Crisis Management customers and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: March 14 (EU), March 15 (US)

What's New in ManageBridge

Map-Based Contact Selection for Notifications

Users can now select Contacts from the Map when using Notifications, expanding this capability from Incidents.

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This upgrade comes at no additional cost. The workflow for using the Map to select contacts will slightly change by moving the Map option to its own tab.

Release Date: March 27

Shape and Radius Update

The Shape and Radius options have moved in the Map-based contact selection workflow.

                     Before:                                                                                             After:
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This enhancement comes at no additional charge. The workflow for using the Map to select contacts will slightly change by moving the shape and radius buttons.

Release Date: March 27

Support for Resident Connection in Incidents

Users can now select Resident Connection contacts from the Map when using Incidents, expanding this capability from Notifications.

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This enhancement is free and won't affect any preexisting settings.

Release Date: March 27

Search for Contacts in Incidents

Users can now search for and select individuals, groups, and rules while launching an Incident.

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This enhancement is free and won't affect preexisting settings.

Release Date: March 27

Hide Locked Items by Default

Locked items will now be hidden by default, making the main menu easier to navigate.​ The setting will remain available to unhide if desired. 

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Available at no additional cost. Locked items will now be hidden by default, changing the appearance of the home screen to show fewer icons.

Release Date: March 27

Minor Improvements to Existing Features

Product Area




Member Portal Country Codes The Country Codes for the Member Portal are now available under the Member Portal Settings. Makes it easier for Administrators to locate Country Codes for their Member Portal by including it with the rest of the Member Portal information. 
Member Portal SSO Users now can go directly from the link to the target through SSO.  Helps the user visit the targeted task, dashboard, or event after SSO​.
Critical Events Incident Communications The maximum number of allotted Incident Communications per Critical Event has been raised from 150 to over 1000. Allows large companies to keep adding communication instances to the Event without worrying about hitting a limit.
Tasks Filters Users can now filter Tasks by Task Status Helps the user filter out the unnecessary items in the list 
Tasks Task Name Now supports line breaks for Task names. Allows users to keep their desired naming format. 
Tasks Description The Task description is now visible from the Manager Portal. Provides more insight into the Task for the operator. 
Secure Collaboration (Everbridge Mobile App) Incident/Directory Chats A loading indicator will be displayed if the list of chat participants is being fetched. The contact is informed that the chat participants list is still being updated and all participants may not be listed in the search results immediately. (March 27th)
Safety Connection SOS The text in the loading icon on triggering of an SOS will be updated from “Loading” to "Initiating SOS" and "Initiating Video Streaming“ in Android. Indicates to the contact that SOS is being triggered and the app should not be closed/ back button should not be selected till the SOS initiation is completed (March 27th)
Contacts Contact Uploads Any information included in the upload file after the END column will be disregarded. Prevents an upload from failing when information is included in columns after the END column.
Communications Engine SMS Notifications Australia - Replaced primary SMS Sender ID +61 4293 51543 with +61 4858 13055. This new SMS sender ID is to provide additional assurance of SMS message delivery to the country.
Communications Engine SMS Notifications Austria - Replaced SMS Sender ID +43 6768 0050543 with +43 6768 004421 This new SMS sender ID is to provide additional assurance of SMS message delivery to the country.
Communications Engine SMS Notifications Palestine - Replaced SMS Sender ID +44 7860 022148 with new sender ID 37455. This new SMS sender ID is to provide additional assurance of SMS message delivery to the country.
Communications Engine SMS Notifications Puerto Rico - Replaced SMS Sender ID +1 787 301 1023  with new sender ID 89361. This new SMS sender ID is to provide additional assurance of SMS message delivery to the country.
Communications Engine SMS Notifications Puerto Rico - Replaced SMS Sender ID +44 7480 635603 with new sender ID 87844. This new SMS sender ID is to provide additional assurance of SMS message delivery to the country.
Communications Engine SMS Notifications Romania - Replaced SMS Sender ID +40 3717 00058 with +40 7839 00339. This new SMS sender ID is to provide additional assurance of SMS message delivery to the country.

Defects Corrected in this Release - All Products

Product Area



Case Numbers

Contacts Search Searching for contacts with *Mobile App Opt-in* record type shows no results.
  • 221150023
Critical Events (Everbridge Mobile App) Documents Documents in formats such as doc, docx, xls, and xlsx cannot be viewed in Microsoft applications (Word, Excel) in Android.
  • 221148992
  • 231162525
Public REST API Role Creation Behavior change when using Swagger sample payload for Role creation.
  •  221146924
Resident Connection (Nordics) Update Resident "Update resident failed" error message when updating Norwegian contacts.
  • 221139619​
  • 221141008​
  • 221143517​
  • 231155722

Known Issues in this Release

Product Area


Known Issue

Everbridge Mobile App UI Settings Dark mode is not supported in Android and iOS.
ManageBridge Contact Selection (Map) Customers cannot use the expected location functionality when sending from ManageBridge.
User Management Data Privacy Policy Scheduling Rest APIs do not honor the settings of the Data Privacy Policy configured for Group Manager roles.

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