Visual Command Center: Feb 2022 Release Notes

User-added image

What's New in Visual Command Center?

All these features are available at no additional cost to all CEM customers.

Additional Risk Event Subcategories

Additional Risk Event subcategories allow you to select more relevant alert settings for each CEM category and receive more relevant alerts. For example, in the Health/Disease category, you can now select Air Quality for an air pollution risk event. These new subcategories also allow for better alert rule configuration and greater customer control over alert rule configuration.
The following subcategories were added:
CEM Category CEM Subcategory
Civil Unrest
  • Armed Clash
  • Aviation Workers Strike
  • Cargo Transportation Strike
  • Civil Service Strike
  • Energy Sector Strike
  • Industrial Strike
  • Medical Service Strike
  • Mine Workers Strike
  • Planned Strike
  • Port Strike
  • Public Transportation Strike
  • Coup
  • Military Operation
  • Bank Robbery
  • Disturbance
  • Office-Involved Shooting
  • School Lockdown
  • Stabbing
  • Biohazard
  • Brushfire
  • Electric Fire
  • Emergency Response
  • Explosive Materials
  • Fumes
  • Industrial Fire
  • Maritime Fire
  • Natural Gas Leak
  • Oil/Fuel Spill
  • Structure Fire
  • Train Fire
  • Vehicle Fire
  • Air Quality
  • Food Advisory
  • Public Health Advisory
  • Quarantine
Local Disaster
  • Building Collapse
  • Dam Collapse
  • Evacuation
  • Mine Incident
  • Partial Collapse
  • State of Emergency
  • Structure Collapse
  • Tunnel Collapse
  • Unsafe Structure
Natural Disaster
  • Atmospheric/Space
Other Security
  • Curfew
  • Cyberattack
  • Homeland Security Advisory
  • Public Safety Advisory
  • Stampede
Other Weather
  • Storm
Terrorism/Suspicious Activity
  • Bioterrorism/Chemical Terrorism
  • Bomb Threat
  • Insurgent Attack
  • Radiological/Nuclear Device
  • Terrorism Advisory
  • Terrorist Attack
  • Air Traffic Delay
  • Aircraft Fire
  • Aircraft Incident
  • Airliner Crash
  • Airport Closure
  • Airspace Restriction
  • Border Closure
  • Bridge Collapse
  • Emergency Landing
  • Helicopter Crash
  • Plane Crash
  • Port Closure
  • Public Transportation Disruption
  • Rail Accident
  • Roadway Closure
  • Supply Chain Disruption
  • Train Derailment 
  • Travel Advisory 
  • Vehicle Accident
  • Waterway Closure 
  • Boil Water Advisory 
  • Drinking water
  • Fuel Disruption
  • Gas
  • General Utility/Infrastructure
  • Network Outage 
  • Power
  • Production Stoppage 
  • Rolling Blackout 
  • Sewage
  • Telecommunications
  • Water Main Break 


Related Documentation: Risk Intelligence Monitoring Center (RIMC) Guide


Corrected Defects

Product Area



Critical Events

Risk Events

Descriptions from alerts for user-created risk events did not automatically populate Critical Events launched from said alerts. Instead, it was defaulting to the risk event labels. Visual Command Center Winter 2021 - December 2021 Release Notes

Critical Events

Risk Events

In the VCC Travel feed, the United States country polygon overlapped with Mexico and Canada. This caused some Mexico and Canada travelers to appear in the United States travel feed.

Operator Console  

COVID-19 Dashboard

The Total Recovered value is no longer being reported by Johns Hopkins University and was removed

Known Issues

Product Area



Incident Communications

Incident update

When a risk event source updates the description of an event, the value of the variable VCC: Alert Description does not always get updated.

Incident Communications

SOS Alerts

Users get an error when attempting to launch an incident from a mobile SOS alert.

Incident Communications

Scenarios - support limited

Scenarios cannot be auto launched or launched without an alert from a polygon.

Incident Communications

Delivery order

The One Time Custom delivery order is not fully supported in Visual Command Center. When using an incident template with this setting, users cannot edit the delivery order at launch time (as they can in Manager Portal). Visual Command Center will launch the incident using the default order in the template.

Admin Console


Selecting a RIMC Group in RIMC KML and selecting Disabled or Enabled, does not disable or enable the RIMC group in the Operator Console. You must disable or enable the RIMC group in Feeds.

  1. From Admin Console, select Feeds.
  2. Expand Context.
  3. Navigate to the RIMC group you want to disable.
  4. Depending on your requirements, select Disabled or Enabled.

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