Everbridge CEM: May 2023 Release Notes

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All features listed in this section are accessible in all products unless otherwise noted for a feature.

Retain Search Results for Users

When searching users by Advanced Search, results will be retained for operators after they finish editing an individual user and return to the User List.
Advanced Search.jpg
This improvement is free of charge and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: May 23 (EU), May 24 (US)

Warning Icons for Users Without a Role

 A new warning icon has been added to the Role column on the User List to indicate if a user doesn't have an assigned role, making it much easier for Administrators to troubleshoot and correct login issues. 
Roleless Icon.jpg
This enhancement comes at no additional cost and won't affect any preexisting settings.

Release Date: May 23 (EU), May 24 (US)

IPAWS Usability Improvements

An updated warning message reminds users that when ​sending alerts via IPAWS publishing, if the user wants to ​Cancel the IPAWS alert, they need to use Send ​Follow-Up with the Cancel Message Type.
IPAWS warning.jpg
This improvement is available for free to all IPAWS users.

Release Date: May 23 (EU), May 24 (US)

City Intelligence Reports

Travelers can now access customizable Travel-centric, city-level risk intelligence data directly from a Country Report.​ They can view City Level Risk intelligence ratings on a 1-5 scale for different categories when available, as well as view the reports on the Everbridge Mobile App. 
City Reportsjpg.jpg
This feature comes at no additional cost for all Travel Protector customers, and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Product Area





Multifactor Authentication A tooltip has been added for Administrators when configuring MFA and for users when logging in. Users can have a clearer understanding of the authenticators supported by Everbridge. 


Custom Reports Added an informational alert to indicate that Notifications and Incidents could take up to 10 minutes to become available in Custom Reports. Helps set an expectation of when these Notifications or Incidents will become available for use in Custom Reports. 
Universe Widgets The IPAWS COG-to-COG Widget will now be referred to as just the IPAWS Widget, as explained by a new accompanying tooltip.  Clarifies that this widget displays all IPAWS messaging and isn't restricted to only COG-to-COG.

Product Area



Case Numbers

Member Portal

Registration Prevented private Member Portal registration using the /new URL.
  • 231182470

Role Management

Permissions Roles with access to ManageBridge were incorrect within the UI.
  • 221147105

Everbridge University

User Management

EBU API kept removing the Power User role. 

  • 221133343​
  • 221152192
On-call Scheduling Calendars Escalation time couldn't be edited for Shifts and Layers that have a Start Date in the future​.
  • 231171441
On-call Scheduling Reminder Emails Scheduling reminder emails were not sent to email IDs that contain an apostrophe.
  • 231167049
Notifications Notification Report Details The Notification Details Report couldn't be downloaded for Notifications where the Country Name is missing in the Sender Caller ID section via API.
  • 231185135
Manager Portal Time Zone Users in the Mexico City time zone were not displayed the correct time after Daylight Savings Time was abolished.
  • 231177597

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