Everbridge CEM Suite: October 2022 Release Notes

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What's New in Mass Notification Platform

All features listed in this section are accessible in all products unless otherwise noted for a feature.

Member Portal - Upgraded Email Editor

Our new rich-text editor for invitation emails will allow users to utilize the same elements when creating registration invitations that they already use when creating email notifications. This provides a smoother, more customizable experience for the sender while creating more interactive or visually appealing messages for the invitee. 

User-added image

Users who maintain a local training guide with images of the text editor will need to replace the image for this page.
This enhancement comes at no additional cost. 

Related Documentation: Member Portal Settings

Contact Upload - Source Data Information  ​

Users will now be able to view the Source column in their Contact upload files, allowing them to see what service was used to transfer the uploaded data. This will help data administrators save time while troubleshooting Contact uploads.

  • WEB (uploaded via the Web application user interface)​
  • SFTP (uploaded via secure file transfer protocol)​
  • API (uploaded via the Everbridge REST application programming interface)​
User-added image

Users who maintain a local training guide with images will need to replace the preexisting image for this page.
This inclusion is available at no additional cost. 

Related Documentation: Upload a Contact Data File via the Manager Portal

What's New in Travel Protector

Travel Risk Management for Incident Administrators

Account and Organization Administrators will be able to configure filtered roles for Incident Administrators that support access to all Travel Risk Management capabilities. 

Those filtered roles will have access to configure pre-trip country reports, booking alerts, traveler reports, and itinerary imports and logs.

User-added image

This feature is available to all authorized Travel Protector users at no additional cost. 

Minor Improvements to Existing Features

Product Area



Benefit(s) to You

Contact Management

Contact Uploads

An error from a single Contact record will no longer halt the entire upload process when uploading Contacts from a CSV file.

Smoother uploading experience and saved time.

User Management

Event Log

If event logging is enabled for your account, Account Administrators can now download 12 months of event log data. Event logging can provide an audit of attempts to log into an Organization by API users, or an audit of any user records that were downloaded or deleted.

To enable event logging, please reach out to Everbridge Technical Support.

This will help Account Administrators gather event log data for audit purposes.
Contact Management Scheduling

Organization Administrators and Group Managers will be able to select the Contact attributes to be displayed in the “Day View” and the “On Call Now” tabs. These selections will apply to the remaining users of the Organization.​

​The user is clearly informed of the impact of updating the selections in the Customize Table View.

Contact Management Scheduling Group Managers that have permission to “View and download ALL Contact information” will be able to select the Contact attributes to be displayed in the “Day View” and the “On Call Now” tabs. Group Managers who don’t have the pre-requisite permission cannot modify the views. Group Managers who do not have the pre-requisite permission to customize views are shown an appropriate alert. 
All Areas Downloads The title of the popup message that appears when downloading a file from Everbridge Suite (Download Contacts, Download Assets, etc.) has been changed from "Alert" to "File Download."  Clarifies the purpose of the Downloads popup message. 
Universe Contact Search The Alert message when the Contact Search result exceeds 10,000 has been clarified to inform the user that they're still selected even if the excess Contacts are invisible in the Map display.  Offers additional context to prevent confusion about the Contact Search results. 
Travel Connection API Guide We're providing several parameters to be used in the Data Modal when uploading an itinerary. You can pass more information about your itineraries, segments, and travelers when creating travel itineraries into Everbridge Suite using the REST API.
The information that can be ingested using the itineraries REST API are now aligned with the one from the Travel Data Feeds.


Defects Corrected in this Release - All Products

Product Area



Case Numbers

Contact Management

Downloads Unable to receive email link(s) for bulk downloads from Contact List page.
  • 221098943
  • 221100352
  • 221110469
Incidents Templates Clicking "X" saves changes after removing groups from an Incident Template.
  • 221119907
Incidents Communications Corrected misspellings by Grammarly for RTF content are not applied in the outgoing message unless the focus is put in RTF field after accepting the suggestion in Grammarly.
  • 221120226
Incidents Variables Unable to select a variable multiple times for one Contact condition in the same session.
  • 211013125
Incidents Templates Fonts on the Review and Send pages display as Arial rather than the selected font, Times New Roman. 
  •  221123955


What's New in Everbridge University (EBU)

The following courses have been added to or updated on Everbridge University.

Course (.net)

Course (.eu)





Incident Communications - IPAWS Administrator Incident Communications - IPAWS Administrator Incident Communications As an IPAWS Administrator, your role is to configure your organization’s IPAWS settings to fit your jurisdiction’s needs when sending out alert messages to the American public. After you have been certified to send IPAWS alerts via FEMA, it’s important to learn how best to configure and navigate your origination software – Everbridge Suite. Within these courses you will:
  • Learn the basics of using IPAWS with Everbridge Suite
  • How to upload your IPAWS certificate to the Everbridge Manager Portal
  • How to configure your organization's SAME codes, Sender Agency Name, and IPAWS default options
  • How to create a PIN code to be used for your IPAWS credentials
  • How to create IPAWS alert Incident Templates for your message senders to use
Curriculum Added
Incident Communications - IPAWS Alert Sender Incident Communications - IPAWS Alert Sender Incident Communications Sending an IPAWS Alert can keep the public informed with life-saving information through numerous delivery methods. After you have been certified to send IPAWS alerts via FEMA, it’s important to learn how best to use your origination software – Everbridge Suite. Within these courses you will:
  • Learn the basics of using IPAWS with Everbridge Suite
  • Create IPAWS alerts with Incident Communications using Incident Templates and navigate CAP Channel information fields
  • How and where to check the status of an IPAWS alert
  • How to send an update to an IPAWS alert and how to cancel an IPAWS alert broadcast
  • Best practices and useful resources for sending IPAWS alerts to the public
Curriculum Added
Mass Notification - IPAWS Administrator Mass Notification - IPAWS Administrator Mass Notifications Sending an IPAWS Alert can keep the public informed with life-saving information through numerous delivery methods. After you have been certified to send IPAWS alerts via FEMA, it’s important to learn how best to use your origination software – Everbridge Suite. Within these courses you will:
  • Learn the basics of using IPAWS with Everbridge Suite
  • How to upload your IPAWS certificate to the Everbridge Manager Portal
  • How to configure your organization's SAME codes, Sender Agency Name, and IPAWS default options
  • How to create a PIN code to be used for your IPAWS credentials
Curriculum Added
Mass Notification - IPAWS Alert Sender Mass Notification - IPAWS Alert Sender Mass Notifications Sending an IPAWS Alert can keep the public informed with life-saving information through numerous delivery methods. After you have been certified to send IPAWS alerts via FEMA, it’s important to learn how best to use your origination software – Everbridge Suite. Within these courses you will:
  • Learn the basics of using IPAWS with Everbridge Suite
  • Create IPAWS alerts with Mass Notification and navigate CAP Channel information fields
  • How and where to check the status of an IPAWS alert
  • How to send an update to an IPAWS alert and how to cancel an IPAWS alert broadcast
  • Best practices and useful resources for sending IPAWS alerts to the public
Curriculum Added
Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On Users | Access

Integrating Everbridge with your Single Sign-On platform streamlines ease of access for your users. This training covers key Single Sign-On settings with common troubleshooting methods and best practices to successfully adopt Everbridge Suite to your Single Sign-On platform.  Within this course you will:

  • Identify the Account and Organization level settings to configure Single Sign-On within Everbridge Suite
  • Navigate within the Single Sign-On settings for Manager Portal and Member Portal
  • Perform the workflow of uploading a new metadata file into the Everbridge system
  • Outline the general configuration process with Specific IdPs
Online Course Added
Digging Deeper: Enabling Everbridge Desktop Alerts Digging Deeper: Enabling Everbridge Desktop Alerts Publishing Options

Desktop Alerts allow you to reach recipients directly with pop-ups. This course covers the use and configuration of Desktop Alerts through SnapComms. Within this course you will:

  • Familiarize yourself with Desktop Alert functionality
  • Define key terms
  • Configure Desktop Alert in your Manager Portal
Online Course Added


What's New on the EBU YouTube Channel

Name and Link (US)



Logging in to the Everbridge Mobile App

There are several ways to login to the Everbridge Mobile app depending on how it your administrator has assigned it to you. This video covers the method of loging in to Everbridge Mobile App using 'Quick Registration' and by simply signing in with 'Everbridge Member Portal' credentials. 1:56
Closing Incidents After an event or situation has ended or been resolved, you need to close the messages you have sent to your Contacts. Closing an incident can be done with or without a final notification to your recipients. 2:44
Sending Updates to an Incident Certain events require you to update your Contacts after you've initially sent out an incident. Learn how to send additional messages for any open incident by sending an update notification. 3:11
Updating or Canceling IPAWS Alerts via Mass Notification After sending an IPAWS alert, you may need to send an update alert or cancel the alert broadcast altogether. Learn how to update or cancel an IPAWS alert with Everbridge's Mass Notification technology. 2:35
Updating or Canceling IPAWS Alerts via Incident Communications After sending an IPAWS alert, you may need to send an update alert or cancel the alert broadcast altogether. Learn how to update or cancel an IPAWS alert with Everbridge's Incident Communications technology. 3:05
Sending an IPAWS Test Alert via Mass Notification Sending IPAWS test alerts can keep message senders proficient and your organization compliant with FEMA requirements. Learn how to effectively send an IPAWS test alert with Everbridge's Mass Notification technology. 3:42
Uploading Your IPAWS Certificate Learn how to upload your FEMA-issued IPAWS certificate to Everbridge Suite as well as how to configure additional IPAWS settings for your organization. 5:00
Sending an IPAWS Test Alert via Incident Communications Sending IPAWS test alerts can keep message senders proficient and your organization compliant with FEMA requirements. Learn how to effectively send an IPAWS test alert with Everbridge's Incident Communications technology. 4:22
Enabling Search Terms for the Everbridge Mobile App Everbridge allows you to enable search terms for your Everbridge Mobile App so your Contacts can can search for your organization's Member Portal page within the application. In this short tutorial, you will learn how to configure up to three search terms on the Everbridge Manager Portal for your Contacts. 2:05
Sending an Incident via ManageBridge The ManageBridge App lets you send and monitor Incidents using your Android or iOS devices. In this short tutorial, you will learn how to launch an Incident from your mobile devices within the ManageBridge App. 1:45
Launching an Incident Incidents are a useful way to notify your Contacts of specific events using quick template based automated planning. This short video covers how to launch an Incident within Everbridge Suite. 3:04
Adding a Single Contact Contacts are the people who can receive messages your organization sends out. These Contacts must be added to your organization in order for them to receive messages. Although this can be done in numerous ways, there's a simple process to add just one Contact at a time. 3:12
Sending a Notification via ManageBridge The ManageBridge App lets you send and monitor notifications using your Android or iOS devices. In this short tutorial, you will learn how to send a notification from your mobile devices within the ManageBridge App. 3:20
Setting Up Everbridge Mobile App as a Delivery Method Everbridge lets you send out notifications to your Contacts in various methods including SMS, e-mail, push alerts, etc. To enable push alerts for your Contacts, you must first set the Everbridge Mobile App as a Delivery Method. This video demonstrates how to set up Everbridge Mobile App as a Delivery Method within the Manager Portal. 2:27
Registering Your User Profile To be a user and access the Everbridge Manager Portal, you will need to register a profile. In this short tutorial, learn how to register your user profile in Everbridge Suite. 3:34
Creating and Assigning Roles to Users To be a user and access the Everbridge Manager Portal, you will need to register a profile. In this short tutorial, learn how to register your user profile in Everbridge Suite. 3:31
Unlocking User Accounts Users may lock themselves out of their account if they try to log in and fail more than five times. In this short tutorial, learn how to unlock or help your users unlock their accounts. 1:59
Resetting User Passwords If a user with Everbridge forgets their password, they can use the "Forgot Password" self-service function, and reset it themselves from the login page. However, as an administrator within Everbridge Suite, you can also help your users reset their password to regain their access to the Manager Portal. You can easily do this by sending them a "Forgot Password" email. 2:07
Accessing Notification Templates Creating a notification can take time and having a notification template set up already can save precious minutes to get your notification out to Contacts quickly. In this short tutorial, you will learn how to easily create Notification Templates. 2:44
Creating a Conference Bridge Everbridge allows you to hold conference calls with your Contacts with the help of 'Conference Bridges' that can be used during an emergency where Contacts need to discuss a situation immediately OR as a convenient way to have a discussion with multiple Contacts. Learn how to easily create a Conference Bridge within the Everbridge Manager Portal. 1:50
Enabling Message Confirmation Sending out messages through the Everbridge Manager Portal is a vital aspect of keeping your recipients informed and aware. Having your recipients confirm they have received your notification can be even more beneficial to improving your organization's messaging - and this can be done through the Confirmation Requested setting. 3:06
Creating and Using Delivery Methods Delivery methods within Everbridge Suite are the specified ways your Contacts receive your messages, such as through SMS, email, or voice calls. These are configured by administrators in the Everbridge Manager Portal. 4:04
Setting a Broadcast Duration Everbridge allows you to control the duration of how long your notifications can be active in order to send messages as well as to receive confirmations. Learn how to set a broadcast duration within the Everbridge Manager Portal in this short tutorial. 1:38
Locating Call Results Reviewing your organization's notification data is a great way to improve how to effectively message your Contacts. By viewing a notification's call results, it can help you hone in on the best ways to deliver your messages or identify why certain Contacts may not be receiving your notifications. 2:04
Selecting all Organization Contacts for a message At times, there may occur instances where all your Contacts need to be informed at once. Everbridge allows you to send a message to all your organization Contacts by creating a Rule. This video demonstrates how to easily create a Rule within the Everbridge Manager Portal. 2:07
Formatting Text for Specific Delivery Methods Properly formatting your text within a notification - whether it be through SMS, voice calls, email, or other delivery methods - is a simple step to ensure your message is presented to your recipients exactly as planned. Learn how to effectively format your text for your messages within Everbridge Suite. 3:48
Sending a Notification
Everbridge allows you to keep your Contacts up-to-date about an event through notifications. Learn how to effectively send notifications within the Everbridge Manager Portal.
Managing Groups via a File Upload Groups, and the Contacts in them, can be managed by in bulk by uploading a Contact file in the Everbridge Manager Portal. This video demonstrates how to manage your groups using your .CSV file upload, so your Contacts are organized in a succinct and efficient manner. 2:04
Formatting a File for Upload Rather than manually entering Contacts, you can upload Contacts in bulk using a .CSV file. This video demonstrates how to correctly format this .CSV file so your Contacts are uploaded to Everbridge Suite successfully. 2:51
Uploading Contacts: Replace The “Replace” option for uploading Contact files deletes and updates new Contacts based on the data in the Contact file. This video demonstrates how to use the “Replace” function when uploading your Contacts. 2:43
Uploading Contacts: Update The “Update” option for uploading Contact files adds new Contacts and updates existing information based on the data in the Contact file. This video demonstrates how to use the “Update” function when uploading your Contacts. 2:28
Uploading Contacts to Multiple Organizations Account Administrators who are responsible for maintaining Contacts across multiple organizations can upload Contacts to all of them, all at once. This short video covers where that upload option is found and walks through the steps of an Update. 1:57
Sending Registration Emails As a part of an Organization that use Private Member Portals, you can invite your Contacts to access the portal with a registration email. Learn how to send the invitation within the Everbridge Suite in this video. 1:57
Creating Rules Everbridge lets you select Contacts based on information in a Contact record. This video demonstrates how to create Rules within the Everbridge Manager Portal. 1:35
Backing Up Contact or User Data Backing up your Contact or user data before making any large changes or simply backing them up monthly is a recommended best practice that can prevent accidental corruption or loss of data. This video demonstrates how to perform a back up of this data within Everbridge Suite. 1:54
Creating Groups Groups are a valuable way of organizing Contacts for more targeted messages. This video demonstrates how to create a group and add Contacts to the group within Everbridge Suite. 2:15
Adding a New Contact Record Type
Contact Record Types allow you to classify Contacts into high level categories, typically based on their sources. This short video covers the process for creating a new Contact Record Type and editing the default.
Analyzing Notification Delivery Details Reading your notification's delivery details is easy and can help you understand how people are receiving your messages. In this short tutorial, you'll learn about the Notification Details page, where to find your delivery details, and how best to read the data. 3:54
Uploading Contacts Overview Uploading your Contacts is an easy and vital process within Everbridge Suite. In this short tutorial, you'll learn about the different upload options Everbridge Suite offers to help manage your Contacts effectively. 4:28
Editing and Updating Contact Information This video covers the process for updating Contact information both manually and through a file upload. 3:09
Voice: Unsubscribe Or Re-subscribe You can opt-in or opt-out of receiving voice notifications from your organization easily with a few simple steps. This video demonstrates how to Unsubscribe or Re-subscribe voice notifications. 2:46
SMS: Unsubscribe Or Re-subscribe
You can opt-in or opt-out of receiving SMS notifications from your organization easily with a few simple steps. This video demonstrates how to Unsubscribe or Re-subscribe SMS notifications.
Email: Unsubscribe Or Re-subscribe
You can opt-in or opt-out of receiving Email notifications from your organization easily with a few simple steps. This video demonstrates how to Unsubscribe or Re-subscribe Email notifications.
Adding Contacts to Groups via File Upload Learn how to add Contacts to groups during a Contact file upload without accidentally changing any existing information. 2:02
Updating Timezone | Everbridge Mobile App Learn how to update your Timezone in the Everbridge Mobile Application for accurate notifications based on your current location. 1:38
Using Secure Collaboration | Everbridge Mobile App Securely chat with your Contacts on your Computer browser using the Everbridge Secure Collaboration. This video demonstrates how to securely text chat, video and audio call, set away messages and more. 3:27
Android: Using Secure Collaboration Securely chat with your Contacts on your Android device using the Secure Collaboration on your Everbridge Mobile App. This video demonstrates how to securely text chat, video and audio call, set away messages and more. 3:21
iOS: Using Secure Collaboration Securely chat with your Contacts on your iOS device using the Secure Collaboration on your Everbridge Mobile App. This video demonstrates how to securely text chat, video and audio call, set away messages and more. 3:22
Logging in with Single Sign-On (SSO) | Everbridge Mobile App The Everbridge Mobile Application integrates with your organization's Single Sign-On which allows you to quickly and easily login for safety alerts. In this tutorial, you will learn how to login to your organization using Single Sign-On from the Everbridge Mobile Application. 2:28
Creating Custom Requests | Everbridge Mobile App Creating custom requests on the Everbridge Mobile App is easy, can be done remotely, and can save you valuable time during an emergency. In this short tutorial, learn how to create a new custom request for your organization. 1:46
Android: Trigger SOS by voice
You can now trigger an SOS on your Everbridge Mobile App with your Android device using voice commands. This video demonstrates how you can ask Google Assistant to trigger an SOS quickly and easily during an emergency.
iOS: Trigger SOS by voice You can now trigger an SOS on your Everbridge Mobile App with your Apple device using voice commands. This video demonstrates how you can ask Siri an SOS quickly and easily trigger during an emergency. 3:14
Login to iOS Contact Tracer App Contact Tracing is available as a separate app for iOS devices. In this short tutorial, learn how to login to the iOS 'Contact Tracer' App using the Everbridge Mobile App. 2:40
Using Safety Features | Everbridge Mobile Application Discover the essential Safety Features in the Everbridge Mobile Application to help you communicate effectively and easily at the time of an emergency. 3:06
Viewing Notifications | Everbridge Mobile Application Learn how to view Notifications from your Everbridge Mobile Application in this short tutorial. 1:05
Install and Register for Alerts The Everbridge Mobile App helps your residents stay safe and informed in times of crisis. In this short tutorial, you can learn how to Install the Everbridge Mobile App and register for alerts on your Smart phones. 2:24


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