Everbridge CEM: June 2023 Release Notes

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All features listed in this section are accessible in all products unless otherwise noted for a feature.

Use Names Instead of IDs for Contact API

API developers will be able to use the record type name, group names, delivery method prompts, or additional information field names instead of their IDs to update their contact records.

Release Date: June 27 (EU), June 28 (US)

Enable or Disable Geocoding Settings

Account and Organization administrators can now enable or disable geocoding for an Organization without needing to contact Support. If geocoding is turned on, they will be able to set the Precision Level and Minimum Confidence Level. 
geocode switch.jpg

This feature is available at no additional cost. Geocoding will be enabled by default until otherwise specified. 

Release Date: June 27 (EU), June 28 (US)

IPAWS Live Warning Message

When users are sending LIVE Alerts via IPAWS ​(Wireless Emergency Alerts or Emergency Alerts)​
a new confirmation message will remind users that they will be ​sending alerts out to the public. 
IPAWS Warning 1.jpg
This enhancement will be available for free to all IPAWS customers and won't affect any preexisting settings. Users will see the new warning message when publishing IPAWS Live Alerts via Universe, Notifications, and Incidents.

Release Date: June 27 (EU), June 28 (US)

IPAWS Update and Cancelation Improvement

Updating or Canceling an IPAWS Message is now easier than ever with the addition of two corresponding Actions in the dropdown list. Previously, canceling or closing an Incident didn't prompt the user to also stop the associated IPAWS Message.  
IPAWS Update or Close.jpg
These new actions are available to IPAWS customers only and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: July 6

Additional Information Fields in Calendar Views

Users can now select up to two Additional Information Contact attributes in the "Day View" and "On Call Now" Calendar views in addition to Delivery Methods attributes. The Calendar views with Additional Information attributes of the staffed Contacts can be exported and distributed to stakeholders that don’t use the Everbridge platform.

Additional Info.jpg
This feature is available at no additional cost and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: June 27 (EU), June 28 (US)

Report by Country Risk Ratings

When creating custom travel reports, you can now use data fields to display of filter by Country Risk ratings for departure and arrival countries.

Report by Risk Rating.jpg
This enhancement is free to all Travel Protector customers and won't affect any preexisting settings.

Release Date: June 27 (EU), June 28 (US)

Renamed Data Field

The "Departure" and "Arrival" fields when creating a Custom Report for Hotel segments have been renamed to "From" and "To," respectively. This should help reduce confusion surrounding the start and end date of a stay. 
Renamed fields.jpg
This change is free to all Travel Protector customers and won't affect any preexisting settings. 

Release Date: June 27 (EU), June 28 (US)

Expanded Permissions for Report Viewing

The Travel Risk Management permission has been split into two separate permissions: Manage all Travel Risk Management Features and View Travel Reports. This split allows non-Administrator users to retrieve emailed reports while still limiting their ability to control other Travel Risk Management features. 

Manage all Travel Risk Management Features:

  • Enables access and management of Risk Intelligence, Booking Alerts, Schedules, and Travel Custom Reports.
View Travel Reports:
  • Provides the ability to access Ad-Hoc reports and retrieve scheduled Custom Reports.

Travel Protector Permissions.jpg
This enhancement is free for all Travel Protector customers and won't affect any preexisting features.

Release Date: June 27 (EU), June 28 (US)

Minor Improvements to Existing Features - All Products
*Crisis Management features will be released July 6 (EU) and July 7 (US)

Product Area




Incident Management

Scenario Launch If one or more Incident templates within a Scenario utilizes the Custom SMS text field that includes a variable token and the value for the variable exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed for SMS, then the user will be displayed a warning message to adjust the value of the variable so that the SMS content is not truncated. Informs the user that the message content should be adjusted in order for recipients to receive the entire message through SMS delivery method.

Crisis Management

Meeting Minutes Users can add multiple meeting minutes to record what has been discussed during the meetings of an Event. Enables customers to track meeting notes across the board.

Crisis Management

Close Time

A new Event attribute (Close Time) has been added so that users can continue to log the Event without changing the Event status.

Enables the customers to have better control of the Event progress. 
Crisis Management Root Cause A new section in the Critical Event enables users to write the Root Cause of the Critical Event and share it via the Dashboard. Allows users to log more information about the Event.
Crisis Management List View Users can now add or reduce the columns of the Critical Event list view to meet their own needs.  Enable the customers to adjust the event content column in the list view to match what they want to see out of the box​.
Crisis Management Incident Variable Tip The variables on the Crisis Management page will include their tooltips for users to understand their purpose​. Helps users to effortlessly understand the use of Incident variables while on Crisis Management pages​.
Crisis Management Task Status When a task item is no longer applicable to the situation, the user can now set its status to N/A without deleting the item itself.  Increases efficiency and reduces confusion while tracking the impact in the future.
Auto Alerts Form Submission ID The form submission alert message has added the submission ID (also known as the API key) and short ID to the body Enables users to embed more details into the automatic alert for their recipients, and potentially hook into the email ingestion flow via the submission ID​.
Auto Alerts Location Name Users can now add the Location Name to the event auto alert template so that the alert will show the location name in the email body​. Allows users to embed more details into the automatic alert to their recipients​.
Auto Alerts Tracker Expiration Time Users can add the Expiration Time of trackers to the alert template so that the recipients will know when this survey will end​. Enables users to embed more details into the automatic alert to their recipients.​
Trackers View All Submissions Users can view all submissions of a particular tracker in the Member Portal without having to submit one first.​ Offers improved usability for Member Portal users.
Trackers Mobile Responsive Users in the Member Portal will be able to view the tracker list in the Everbridge Mobile App.​ Provides improved usability for Member Portal users. 
Reports New Report Users can generate a list of reports with additional filters from the Critical Event's custom fields (only single or multiple-selection available) ​ Adds an additional way to generate a report with selected events.
Dashboard Public Link The Dashboard Public Link feature can now be hidden. Provides increased support for customers who are concerned that the operator might forward to unknown recipients ​
Contacts Audit Log The Audit Log now indicates when a contact record has been added via the Manager Portal or the API.​

Split: managerPortal_restAPI_enableContactAddAuditLog
Assists with auditing and troubleshooting issues.
Notifications SMS Notifications Singapore – Replaced SMS Sender ID +65 8876 5534 with 71107. This new SMS sender ID is to provide additional assurance of SMS message delivery to the country.

Product Area



Case Numbers

User Management

Advanced Search Selected Users' filtering and download don't work when the total user number is greater than 1000​.
  • 444760​
  • 444963​
  • 445452


Voice Notifications Contacts with the T-Mobile phone carrier were not receiving the expected voicemail messages. They were receiving confirmation messages on their voicemail instead of 'message only' voicemail messages as configured. 
  • 392255


Contact Selection

Users receive a warning that their selection exceeds 2 million contacts when the total count is less than 2 million. 

  • 231167348​

Product Area


Known Issue


Calendar View

If "Additional Information" attributes are selected in "Day View" and "On Call Now" tabs and if the Staffing Layer is staffed by a Group, then, instead of "Group" being displayed under "Notes" column, "Group" is being displayed under the first Additional Information column.

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