Everbridge CEM Suite: January 2022 Release Notes

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What's New in Mass Notification Platform

All features listed in this section are accessible in all products unless otherwise noted for a feature.


Enhanced Email Status Tracking

"Not Delivered - Bounced Email" is an additional call result for email, to provide more granularity on emails that were not successfully sent. 

Enhanced Email Status Tracking

With this information, you can further investigate why the contact's email resulted in "bounced", and resolve so when the notification is resent or rebroadcast, it will be a successful send.

Emails might "bounce" for a variety of reasons, such as invalid email address, email address rejected, recipient mailbox in error status, remote mail system in error status, network error, security error, and so forth.

NOTE: This enhancement is expected to be available by the first week in February.

Related Documentation: In future releases of the Organization Administrator Guide and other role-based guides whose roles have permissions to send Notifications and see the Notification Details. See also definitions for all Attempt Results in the Everbridge Support Center: Call Results for Broadcast Reports.

App Menu and Link to Visual Command Center from Manager Portal

Visual Command Center (VCC) users can now access Visual Command Center from the Manager Portal. The App Menu appears along the top navigation bar of the Manager Portal when any role assigned to the current user has access to Visual Command Center. If the user does not have access to Visual Command Center, the App Menu is not displayed.

App Menu and Link to Visual Command Center from Manager Portal

Click the App Menu and select Visual Command Center. VCC opens in a new browser window. The user's default VCC organization and role are selected. 

There is no impact to existing functions. Other Everbridge applications will be added to the App Menu in future releases.

Related Documentation: In future releases of the Organization Administrator Guide and guides for users in other roles that have access to Everbridge applications outside the Manager Portal, such as Visual Command Center.

Map - Exclude Condition Logic Change

As a user of the Map, you can no longer create a shape with only "exclude" conditions. You are prompted with messages that the "exclude" condition option has been disabled for use when deleting an "include" condition (leaving only the "exclude" condition).
Map - Exclude Condition Logic Change

Users will no longer be able to create shapes with just "exclude" conditions. See the Online Help > Universe > Understanding Shapes > Shape Library User Messages.

Event Log Report - Contact Management Improvements

The Contact Management report type now includes an audit log of when a Group or Rule is deleted from the system. Account Administrators can select the Contact Management report type in Settings > Security > Event Log Report.
Event Log Report - Contact Management Improvements
An audit trail is captured whenever a user deletes any Groups or Rules from the system, which helps users troubleshoot issues that could arise from users not being able to select a previously-used Group or Rule for their Notifications/Incidents. Clients can use this information to trace how and who deleted their Group or Rule. This information can save valuable time for Administrators, hold users accountable, and can be used to practice caution when managing Groups and Rules.

There is no impact to existing processes. This feature is available at no additional cost to all customers. See the Event Log Report topic in the Online Help.

Related Documentation: Account Administrator Guide 

Filter Conditions for Empty Fields

You can search for all addresses within Contact records that have empty latitude or longitude values. Use the new conditional filter called "is empty" for Location Latitude and Location Longitude fields for Contact records in Advanced Search and Contact Rules.
Filter Conditions for Empty Fields

The Location Latitude/Longitude "is empty" condition differs from the "Contact is Geocoded - True/False" because "Contact is Geocoded" only captures if a Contact record is geocoded or not. By having the "is empty conditon" for Location Latitude and Location Longitude fields, users can see all addresses for Contact records that are not geocoded. By getting a complete list of addresses that have no latitude/longitude value, users can investigate why those addresses were not geocoded and modify them accordingly, so notifications will be received.

NOTE: In order for this feature to be exposed, you will need to have the "And/Or" conditional filtering enabled for your Organization. Contact your Everbridge Account Manager to inquire about enabling this for your Organization free of charge.

There is no impact to existing fields. This feature is available at no additional cost to all customers. For details about geocoding, see the Online Help: Contacts > Manually Adding an Individual Contact > Geocoding.

Related Documentation: Organization Administrator Guide and other role-based guides for those who have access to Contacts > Groups.

Contact Count Column in Group Summary Report

As an Administrator who has access to the Group Summary Quick Report, you can see the Contact Count column that quickly gives you a sum of all Contacts in each group.
Contact Count Column in Group Summary Report

You can see which groups are empty so that you can manage and consolidate your groups appropriately. In addition, it helps clients know which groups do not have contacts if the client uses these groups regularly in notifications.

There is no impact to existing processes. This feature is available at no additional cost to all customers.

Related Documentation: Organization Administrator Guide and other role-based guides for those who have access to Contacts > Groups.

Display Group and Subgroup Count on Group Management Page

As an Administrator who has permissions to the Group Management page, you can quickly see a total count of Subgroups within a parent Group.
Display Group and Subgroup Count on Group Management Page

Being able to see the total count of Groups and Subgroups helps you manage your Groups more efficiently. You can consider removing empty Groups or consolidating multiple groups that have fewer contacts in them.

There is no impact to existing processes. This feature is available at no additional cost to all customers.

Related Documentation: Organization Administrator Guide and other role-based guides for those who have access to Contacts > Groups.

Turkish Site Language

Navigate all user workflows in Turkish language.
Turkish Site Language

You have users who prefer to navigate your Everbridgte service in their native Turkish language to perform their required tasks.

There is no impact to existing functions. This feature is available at no additional cost to all customers.


What's New in Crisis Management

Event Publish

Users can publish Critical Events to stakeholders to view in the Member Portal in read-only mode.

Event Publish

Business Example

A GSOC team might be managing the Critical Event in Manager Portal or Visual Command Center. They might have partner teams or stakeholders who are supposed to respond to tasks, reply to surveys, or simply need to know what is going on. These partners will not have permission to access the Manager Portal or Visual Command Center. Publishing the Critical Event allows the administrative team to give read-only access to the event in the Member Portal.

You have an additional means to share the event details with your stakeholders. This feature is available at no additional cost to all Everbridge Crisis Management customers. This feature is automatically enabled for your Organization, and you do not need to update any templates.

Related Documentation: Crisis Management User Guide

Event Search, Manage Filters, Download Details

From the List view of the Event Home Page, you can search for an event using keywords, save the search filters, and download the event details to a CSV file.
Event_Search Manage_Filters Download_Details

Business Example

When a GSOC operator needs to identify an event that has happened in the past, such as an earthquake, the user can use the Search feature and identify the events. In the meantime, the operator can save that search or use the filters using the Manage Filters capability. To review the details of all the events, the user can download the events as a CSV file.

This minimizes your time to find similar Critical Events containing the desired keyword and download the events in CSV format. This feature is available at no additional cost to all Everbridge Crisis Management customers. This feature is automatically enabled for your Organization, and you do not need to update any templates.

Related Documentation: Crisis Management User Guide

Centralized Task and Note Documents

You can view the documents or images in the Task and Note Documents, which is the centralized document depository.
Centralized Task and Note Documents

Business Example

When a field employee has submitted documents via the Task Comments or Notes, the administrator must go to the Task Comments to trace the documents. This feature centralizes all the document uploads into one place for easier access.

You can easily find any documents that have been uploaded from Task and Note Documents. This feature is available at no additional cost to all Everbridge Crisis Management customers.

Related Documentation: Crisis Management User Guide


Minor Improvements to Existing Features – All Products

Product Area



Benefits to you

Crisis Management

Member Portal

New layout provides a better user experience in the Member Portal.

The user interface has been updated when using Crisis Events from the Member Portal for easier access.

Crisis Management


In Member Portal, you can grant/deny permission to pull the data from Assets (if available) to populate the form for survey or impact tracking.

Gives you a shorter response time by understanding the real-time impact.

Crisis Management

Critical Event Templates

Critical Event templates are in alphabetical order when launching a Critical Event.

Makes it easier for users to select the template.

Crisis Management


New REST API to get the request data: GET /cm/v1/forms/submissions

Enables you to pull the data you need and use it in your own way.

Crisis Management


New REST API to get the Tracker ID and details: GET /cm/v1/crisisEvent/{eventId}/surveys

Enables you to pull the data you need and use it in your own way.

Crisis Management


New REST API to get the submissions of a particular tracker: GET /cm/v1/crisisEvent/{eventId}/surveys/{surveyId}/submissions

Enables you to pull the data you need and use it in your own way.

Mass Notification Platform


The current UK English audio voice prompts have been updated for improved clarity.

Better user experience for recipients.

Mass Notification Platform

Contact Upload

The column headers are no longer case-sensitive.

You do not need to match the letter case in the CSV file column headers.

Mass Notification Platform


New search functionality by geo coordinates.

Your users can now search for a location on the map by inserting the Latitude and Longitude if they do not have an address.

Mass Notification Platform

Time Zone

Replaced the "Pacific/Niue" time zone with "Select".

Using "Select" lets the user know to select the desired time zone from the drop-down list.

Mass Notification Platform

Last Login Date

Updated the Last Login Date tooltip to include API users.

The Last Login Date includes login activity from Manager Portal, ManageBridge, and now REST API users.

This is also a way for Administrators to know if someone accessed the system in an unauthorized manner. For example, if user John Smith is on extended leave for the last 3 months and the Administrator sees his last login occurred last week, then it should trigger a security concern for further investigation.

Communications Engine

SMS Notifications

Thailand - Replaced SMS Sender ID 4514811 with +66 89 304 0152.

Additional assurance of SMS message delivery to country.

Communications Engline

SMS Notifications

Brazil - Replaced SMS Sender ID 27361 with 28122.

Additional assurance of SMS message delivery to country.


Defects Corrected in this Release – All Products

Product Area



Case Numbers

Mass Notification Platform

Building Uploads

The Buildings layer was always enabled by default and sometimes took several minutes to load. While the Buildings layer was loading, users were unable to use the Universe map.

  • 21962495

Mass Notification Platform

Download File Url Email

The "Download File Url" email was arriving 48 hours later.

  • 211045989

Mass Notification Platform


RIMC advisories sometimes have long character strings for filenames that are unreachable.

  • 211018673
  • 211026498
  • 211044686

Mass Notification Platform

Smart Conference

Contacts sent a notification to join a Smart Conference bridge are sometimes unable to dial in and join the bridge line from their correct contact phone number as their number could not be validated. This happens even when the Smart Conference maximum participant limit (250) is not reached.

  • 21986914

Mass Notification Platform


Notification continued to be sent to the contact even though the contact sent a response and confirmed the first delivery method received. This was resolved to prevent notifications from continuing to the subsequent delivery methods after the receipt has been confirmed.

  • 211033131

Mass Notification Platform

Member Portal Notifications

Numerous notifications should be posting to the Member Portal Events page and sending Nixle notifications have not been posting.

  • 19828383
  • 211048843

Mass Notification Platform

Incident Templates

When attempting to launch some incident templates, the RTF icons are not correctly displayed and are replaced with "NOT FOUND".

  • 211045047

Mass Notification Platform


Entering more than 2,500 characters in the Message Body was clearing the Message Title. 

  • 18546121
  • 19740427
  • 19760832
  • 19758994
  • 20859514

Mass Notification Platform


When setting up a custom conference bridge and clicking Save, the error, "Sorry you can't access this resource" prevents the user from saving the settings. 

  • 211032961

Mass Notification Platform


The URL variable in an Incident email inserts the incorrect text when using the new Rich Text Format (RTF) editor.

  • 211040722

Mass Notification Platform

Organization Settings

The Notifications > Default Options > General refers to an Information bubble that only exists in the Incidents subtab.

  • 211045072

Mass Notification Platform

Incident Template

Contact conditions are duplicated without interaction by the user.

  • 211047352

Mass Notification Platform

Organization Settings

Different fonts are displayed on the Notifications > Delivery Methods page.

  • 211045143

Safety Connection

Universe and Everbridge Mobile App

 The reverse geocoding process has been improved to return more accurate addresses.

  • 211039785


Known Issues

Product Area


Known Issue

Site Translations


The text on some pages may not be completely translated for some site languages when you change the site language from "English (United States)". Updates will be implemented in a future release.

Online Help

Crisis Management

Crisis Management enhancements for this release are not included in the Online Help. These enhancements will be included in a future release. In the meantime, you can use the Crisis Management User Guide instead.

Mass Notification Platform Groups and Sequenced Groups The Group icon will be relabeled "Subgroup" in a future release. Also, the Group and Sequenced Group icons currently look identical. These icons will be changed in a future release.


What's New in Everbridge University

The following courses have been added to or updated on Everbridge University.





Data Manager Curriculum

As a Data Manager, maintaining your organization's contact database is your primary task. To do this requires a clear and concise understanding of how contacts function in Everbridge Suite. Within this series of courses, you will:

  • Familiarize yourself with the Data Manager role along with the duties and typical expectations that come with the title
  • Learn the basics of contact functionality within Everbridge Suite
  • Add, maintain, and organize contact information in the Manager Portal

Approximately 4 hours


Group Manager Curriculum

As a Group Manager, you can manage and organize a subset of contacts within the system. You also have the ability to send Notifications to those contacts as needed. Many of the permissions this role has within Everbridge Suite are defined by an Organization Administrator or the Account Administrator. Specifically, within this series of courses, you will:

  • Familiarize yourself with the Group Manager role along with the duties and typical expectations that come with the title
  • Learn the basics of the Everbridge Suite and how the Manager Portal functions
  • Explore role-based tasks, setup processes, as well as data and contact management within the Manager Portal

Approximately 4 hours


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